Change Your Image
The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961)
underrated ever after Fukushima
I gave this stuff 10 out of 10 stars.
I know - most viewers consider it *** crap. And they may well be right.
"flag on the moon - how did it get there." Under future consumer protection acts stuff like this should be banned or taxed 400%. ANYONE can come up with crap like this, and on you-tube, a lot people do. So the guy who made this was kind of the first you-tuber.
This crap movie has for some obscure reason entered the eternal quotation machinery of pop culture. Just like the worst politicians of history - the Bushies - folks must know the worst movies i.e. this.
flag on the moon, flying saucer quote - all complete rubbish. Real cinema lovers like nuclear engineers in Japan must know about worst case screw ups. This movie is the Fukushima of filmmaking.
Telefon (1977)
and miles to go before I sleep
this line from the poem by Frost was used by H. Schmidt, the German chancellor in his book with Stern from 2009. Maybe he wants to wake up sleepers in Europe. During interviews, he liked to read them, so people who watched the video or Television would be activated after being MK Ultra processed. This was being observed by some writers on the internet already.
Then again, some supposed that Schmidt simply liked the movie back then (remember, the title's language) and so came to read the poet Frost. But some stubborn conspiracy theorists still hang on the the MK Ultra / sleeper cell theory.