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IMDb member since April 2008
Kubanacan (2003)
The funniest soap opera i've haver seen
7 October 2008 - 9 out of 10 users found this review helpful.
This TV series was really good. It had it's crude and obscure humor and lot of sarcasm in it's jokes. Although the story had some problems, it was in general an intelligent, creative and a very funny soap opera, one of the best in Brazil. HIGHLY Recommended! really really good, awesome material, check it out! great actors, direction, a real piece of work. There are many soap operas that are pure "garbage", but i have to disagree with this one, it's a shame that it lasted only one year, because it could have been much better. There isn't just humor, it has a whole mysterious plot which catches your attention until the end of each episode.
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