Change Your Image
Tjoet Nja' Dhien (1988)
Those photographs were true
Do you think taking picture after massacring people is satanic? I think all good people would think that way too. And this was the fact, the photographs are well documented. If you happened to read some Aceh-dutch war books you would find those pictures among photographs depicting Aceh-dutch war. I have read some in Bahasa and those pictures are real. It was terrible. It was Van Daalen's war style. I even wonder if the word 'vandalism' derived from his way of war in Aceh. You could imagine what Dutch had done during more than 300 years of Dutch colonialism through out the country. It was written in history that when Aceh was still independent with its own sultanate, the people population was recorded about 9 million people. When Indonesia got its independence, the population of Aceh remained about 4 millions only.
That's it. It was terrible and satanic but it was the fact.