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IMDb member since May 2006
Sex, Politics & Cocktails (2002)
I couldn't stop laughing - WONDERFUL AND ENTERTAINING
2 August 2006 - 0 out of 7 users found this review helpful.
Please Julien make more movies like this. It appears this was Julien Hernandez's first film - he got it right! A perfect ensemble of characters that feed off each other with lots of pizazz - it reminded me of Mambo Italiano. Marisa Petroro is present and in character in every scene from the bossy bottom to the penis saleswoman. She is priceless. Julien, unsure of his sexuality, builds his character throughout the movie from a job interview for a gay documentary and telling how many gay people he knows to the end of the movie where we see he begins a "breakfast" relationship with a man. Gay or Straight - don't miss this.
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