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IMDb member since May 2006
Enfermés dehors (2006)
The worst movie ever made?
3 May 2006 - 21 out of 127 users found this review helpful.
I went to see "Enferme Dehors" expecting the worse and I got it. 90mn of relentless torture. This is not a poor man's Amelie Poulain or a modern Comedia del'Arte. It is trashy, ugly, not funny and an utter waste of time. The political message, all businessmen are baddies and tramps are good hearted decent people, is so naive and retarded that even L'Humanite has given it up long time ago. Its utterly amazing that Dupontel was ever given the 1000 that this movie must have cost. Dupontel's attacks on consumerism are painfully boring. One ray of sunshine though, Claude Perron who plays Marie the ex porno star. Dupontel should be locked up and made to watch Bloomberg TV all day long.
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