Hosted in one of the most renowned cities in the world since 2001, the International Beverly Hills Film Festival is considered among the most exclusive and influential film festivals in the world. Through linking the groundbreaking talent of emerging filmmakers and exposing the community to the latest innovations in the cinema field, the Beverly Hills Film Festival (BHFF) exists as a cinematic, cultural patron. The Beverly Hills Film Festival's objective is to merge today's filmmaking pioneers with the wealth of cinematic heritage by edifying and developing the cinematic community and enhancing the impact of the arts and humanities. By bringing the entire community together, the Beverly Hills Film Festival welcomes over 44,000 attendees annually, providing them the platform to congregate and network for 5 days. The BHFF creates opportunities for the attendees to appear at the exciting red carpet publicity events, world premiers, and screenings of numerous exceptional films and be a part of educational panel discussions, workshops, and seminars, along with special events, and VIP after parties and priceless networking opportunities.