After the phenomenon that is "Yellowjackets," this show is suggested for Juliette Lewis fans out there. "Sacred Lies season 2" is a high-quality sleeper that barely received any notice when it first came out at the cusp of the pandemic in 2020. Starting the first episode of season 2, I did not know what I was getting into. All I thought was that as long as I saw some Juliette Lewis scenes, I'd be good. But what a surprise that this is actually a well-crafted show. It hooks you in as you begin to care about the characters and wonder what happens next. Juliette Lewis is phenomenal in the lead, proving that she is truly a versatile actress who has lasted for more than 3 decades so far, not just some cute girl with the "it" factor in the 90s. My only qualm is that a few parts do seem a bit contrived, but given that it tells you up front that it is "based on a fairytale," you're a little willing to let all that slide.