Thu, Apr 20, 2017
Consultation hours with a view of the Baltic Sea instead of the sound of the Caribbean sea: the former ship's doctor, Nora Kaminski, ends up on Rügen not entirely voluntarily. The 42-year-old doctor is in financial difficulties. Her reserves are just enough for a room in an "old captain's house full of character", where hot water is not guaranteed and the cranky landlord Matthias Samland gives her the cold shoulder. But after a few professional setbacks, Nora has to be happy to be able to work in the practice of her friend from college, Dr. Richard Freese to start over. Due to her dedicated way of taking care of patients, the doctor soon gets into conflicts. She is supposed to help a young accident patient tell her father something: The 17-year-old is pregnant by her boyfriend, whom her father is trying to keep away from her at all costs. And the doctor without a doctorate gets in real trouble with a vain colleague in the Rügen clinic when she questions his diagnosis. The tit-for-tat response from Dr. Heckmann: He ensures that word gets around as to why Nora lost her previous job on a cruise ship. As soon as she arrived on the Baltic Sea island, she would like to give up immediately. However, her partner Richard is undeterred in staying the course.
Thu, Apr 12, 2018
Nora Kaminski lives with her practice partner Dr. Richard Freese as in joint study days under one roof. Things get tight when Nora's now grown-up son Kai moves into the doctors' flat share. The law student from Berlin pretends to want to finish an important term paper on Rügen. So far, however, only the title is on the cover sheet. Something is wrong. But Nora has little time to find out the real reason for Kai's surprising visit, because she gets to know the Butenschön brothers - first on the job, then privately. Nora is taken with Matthias Butenschön: He is not only an attractive man, but also a dream brother for Robin, who has limited motor skills. Matthias does everything so that Robin can live in his parents' house. However, the proud cutter fisherman in the third generation does not want to admit that he himself urgently needs help. Nora gets new trouble at the practice because of an angry mother who blackmails her on the internet. Luckily, Kai knows a few tricks to get the allegations out of the way. Together with receptionist Mandy, he comes up with something to stop the slander. Richard is helpless when his girlfriend Joanna visits him for the first time. Although he would like it so much, no real romance wants to arise.
Thu, Apr 19, 2018
Nora Kaminski is looking forward to her trial. She finally wants to clear up the false accusations from her time as a ship's doctor, which even the postman on Rügen knows and overshadow her new beginning. But a nasty surprise awaits Nora in court: the brazen false testimony of a witness suddenly puts her back against the wall. Nora faces accusations of underselling drugs. Even another manslaughter case is threatened. Only three days remain to rebuild the defense. Nora gets unexpected help from her ex-husband Peer of all people. The lawyer who once let her down wants to make things right. In order to accept his help, however, Nora has to jump over her shadow. Her young love for the cutter fisherman Matthias Butenschön is not unencumbered either. After losing his farm and the cutter, he is in a crisis and has to decide how things should continue for him and his brother Robin. Dr. also wants to work on himself. Richard Freese: He's trying to get his OCD under control and seems to be having some success. Nora's son Kai, on the other hand, would like to give up his law studies - and doesn't know how to teach his father.
Fri, Mar 8, 2019
Nora faces a difficult decision: should she buy the Rügen practice and continue Richard's life's work without him? This is not an easy decision for the doctor, who not only lacks a decorative doctorate, but also lacks the necessary capital and the required license. She receives unexpected support from Richard's uncle, the long-time Rügen doctor Dr. Gunsche, who came from his old home in distant Sochi. Although he already has extremely lucrative offers, he encourages Nora to take over. Until then, the pensioner wants to help out in his previous practice and set the course so that Nora gets the approval of the doctors' association. However, it soon becomes apparent that contacts from the past are no longer useful today. Nora's "archenemy" Dr. Heckmann, who is conspicuously friendly and even offers her a job at the Rügen Clinic. However, Nora finds out what really drives the senior physician. The ambitious triathlete Jonas Prill, who suffers a strange fit of weakness during swimming training, shoots over the target. Although Nora pulls him out of the Baltic Sea and saves his life, he does not want to be treated by her. The doctor is pretty tough when it comes to protecting patients from themselves.
Thu, Mar 21, 2019
Nora Kaminski is actually used to multitasking. By taking over the Rügen practice, even the stress-tested doctor reaches her limits: She has to set up the financing, take care of the patients on her own and even represent the fired medical assistant. Nora would like to bring her former colleague Mandy back, but she now has new plans. The search for a new partner for the practice is also more difficult than expected. Richard's shadow, which Nora sorely misses as a friend and partner, hovers over everything. There are applications, but nobody fits Nora and the practice. It seems like a miracle that Dr. Stresow, a Swiss luminary. Nora cannot imagine that he seriously intends to work under a doctor without a doctorate. Although he was also interested in Nora's archenemy Dr. Heckmann introduces her to the clinic, she experiences a positive surprise. Nora finds it strange that her "ex" peer appears again on the island. While son Kai has not escaped the fact that his father is interested in his ex-wife again, Nora has no idea. She declines his generous offer to vouch for her when buying a practice. When the bank suddenly got out, it was no longer possible without help. First of all, Nora has to learn to accept them.
Thu, Mar 18, 2021
No promises, no obligations and meals prepared with love on the yacht - Rügen doctor Nora Kaminski enjoys her "fried potato affair" with ex-husband Peer. The self-confident practice owner does not want to take the risk that the bon vivant could let her sit a second time. Despite the utmost discretion, son Kai knows about his parents' revival. The budding lawyer with top marks struggles with his own relationship problems. His pregnant girlfriend Mandy suddenly pulls the ripcord out of concern that Kai's career might get in the way. But he doesn't give up that easily. A strong woman gets to know Nora as a patient: Yvette Schewe runs a hotel despite her Fabry disease. From a medical point of view, Nora would have to strongly advise the 33-year-old to withdraw from the family business immediately and to take it easy. However, the doctor knows from her own experience that a fighting spirit that appears unreasonable can also mobilize unimagined forces. It wasn't until her Dr. Maja Pirsich and colleague Dr. Speaking heavily to Stresow's conscience, Nora realizes how best to help her impressive patient.
Thu, Mar 25, 2021
Nora Kaminski has to take care of an unusual patient intensively - but not in her practice, but as an emergency doctor. The outwardly fit career broker Florian Becker not only goes beyond his physical limits at a team building workshop, but also ignores Nora's medical warning after an almost fatal incident in a paddling competition. When he collapses again the next day, the alarm bells ring for her. The "doctor without a doctorate" soon found the unusual trigger: amateurishly adulterated vodka shower from the campsite. However, poisoning with methyl alcohol does not leave a common hangover - it can even lead to organ damage and blindness. Nora has to find out immediately who has drunk from it. She also suspects bottles of the highly toxic drink at her son Kai's beach party, which his proud father is throwing Peer for the excellent law graduate. When Nora arrives at the beach, however, she makes an observation that makes the "major damage situation" even worse for her. Unheil is brewing in her practice with a sea view: Her colleague Dr. Stresow is tired of cushioning Nora's double overload as owner and emergency doctor at the expense of his private life. In order to keep him, she urgently needs to change something.
Thu, Apr 1, 2021
Nora Kaminski suffers after the relationship with Peer: diagnosis of lovesickness. Your multitasking as a private person, practice owner and emergency doctor must continue at the usual top speed. After a breakneck crash, she meets the kite surfer Ben Kralmann. In order to get the intensive care patient back on their feet, however, not only their medical skills are required. As Nora finds out, Ben carries several burdens with him. He would have to undergo brain surgery because of an aneurysm. However, his fear of irreparable consequential damage is greater than the hope of going on. Nora tries to convince him that there is no other chance. Her feeling for people helps the "doctor without a doctorate" also with the teenager Sarah, whose bad blood values are noticed. When Nora also sees unusual injuries, the alarm bells ring for her. She does not pursue the suspicion of thrombosis in another patient with full consistency. When Doris Hebestreit collapses and arrives at the hospital almost too late, Nora blames herself for it. Surprisingly, her archenemy Dr. Heckmann from a good side. Son Kai and his girlfriend provide a ray of hope. Mandy gives birth to the longed-for baby. And the best thing is: the young parents no longer want to go to Canada, they want to stay on Rugen.
Thu, Mar 31, 2022
Of course, when Nora Kaminski talks about protection, she only means her patients. Despite a craniocerebral trauma after a traffic accident, the Rügen doctor does not stay in the hospital for long. While chief physician Dr. Heckmann seriously cares about his colleague, her son Kai is amazed at how stubborn he is. Nora firmly believes that she is the only one who can help 18-year-old Moritz, who is suffering from leukemia. Unfortunately, his only relative Katja Daskow, who adopted him shortly after birth, is no longer a stem cell donor. In order to win over her biological mother, Nora pays no attention to her health or to the secrets of the two women. The practice owner is plagued by an uneasy feeling after the death of a 70-year-old patient. It is true that Nora is not to blame for Doris Hebestreit's heart attack. Nora has to come to terms with her son Markus, who still wants to hold the doctor accountable.
Thu, Apr 7, 2022
Easy Rider, LuckyBird72 and a name she's about to cross out - Nora Kaminski is seeing the first inquiries on her brand new dating profile. The adored single woman is now over her double "ex" Peer. The gentle acquaintance with the boat builder Max, who is charmingly trying to take care of Nora, even feels promising. A total romantic is her young patient Emilia, who is treated by Nora after a small beach accident. The 16-year-old secretly wears her sister Julia's wedding dress and dreams of her own wedding "all in white". However, Emilia wants to keep the fact that there is already a "prince" to herself. In any case, her mother Astrid constantly worries about the teenager, who has to pay particular attention to her health due to a congenital underlying metabolic disease. When Emilia's blood levels deteriorate dramatically, Nora tries to gain her trust to find out where the threatening inflammation is coming from.
Thu, Apr 14, 2022
Dass Tanja Wedhorn alias Nora Kaminski dem Multitasking-Modus nicht entkommt, liegt diesmal weder an der "Praxis mit Meerblick" noch an ihrem Zweitjob als Rettungssanitäterin. Die Ärztin ohne Doktortitel muss die Verantwortung für ihr jüngeres "Schwesterherz" übernehmen. In die Rolle von Franziska, die an einer bipolaren Störung leidet, schlüpft Tina Amon Amonsen. Das Drehbuch von Anja Flade-Krause rückt das ebenso komplexe wie selbstgefährdende Krankheitsbild ins Zentrum des 15. Films der Rügen-Reihe, der von Kerstin Ahlrichs ebenso einfühlsam wie unterhaltsam inszeniert wurde. Der Erzählstrang eines Paketboten zeigt, was "selbst" und "ständig" in dieser expandierenden Dienstleistungssparte bedeutet: Holzhacken löst zwar keine Probleme, hilft aber beim Abreagieren. Mit Humor versucht Rügen-Ärztin Nora Kaminski, die sich nach ihrem Unfall noch schonen soll, ihr Stressniveau zu senken. Ausgerechnet jetzt erfordert ihre jüngere Schwester, die nach Jahren der Funkstille vor der Tür steht, ihre komplette Aufmerksamkeit. Franziska, die sich unbescheiden als Romanautorin, Onlinehändlerin und Model ausgibt, begeistert sich für alles aus Noras Leben - sogar ihren neuen "Bekannten" Max. Leider weiß die "große" Schwester allzu gut, was hinter Franziskas Überdrehtheit steckt: eine bipolare Störung. Da auf die manische Euphorie ein depressives Tief folgen kann, begibt sich Nora nun in ständige Alarmbereitschaft. Auch bei einem Patienten liegt die Praxisinhaberin mit ihrer Sorge richtig. Hinter den Magenbeschwerden des Paketboten Thomas Freier steckt etwas Schwerwiegendes. Nora muss den Selbstständigen, der sich weder beruflich noch finanziell eine Krankheit leisten kann, nun dazu bringen, sich um seine Gesundheit zu kümmern.
Thu, Apr 13, 2023
Nora Kaminski möchte in "Rügener Sturköpfe" einen Streit unter Geschwistern schlichten. Die lebenserfahrene Ärztin ohne Doktortitel muss nicht nur Jochen Nickel als ebenso uneinsichtigen wie fahrlässigen Tumorpatienten behandeln, sondern auch den schmerzhaften Bruch mit seiner einzigen Angehörigen kitten. In der Episodenrolle der aus Trauer verbitterten Schwester zeigt die langjährige Tatort-Darstellerin Tessa Mittelstaedt eine eindrucksvolle Darstellerleistung. Jan Ruzicka führte Regie bei dem 16. Film der Reihe "Praxis mit Meerblick", die bei Erstausstrahlungen regelmäßig mehr als vier Millionen Zuschauer:innen erreicht, nach einem Drehbuch von Marcus Hertneck. Nora möchte sich endlich mehr Zeit für ihre frischverliebte Zweisamkeit mit Max nehmen. Einfach abschalten, ist in ihrem Beruf leichter gesagt als getan: Als bei einer Bootsfahrt der Kapitän umkippt, muss die Ärztin natürlich Erste Hilfe leisten. Zwar behauptet der raubeinige Patient, das alles halb so wild sei. Nora besteht jedoch auf einer gründlichen Untersuchung. Die Tumordiagnose von Dr. Heckmann bestätigt schlimmste Befürchtungen. Schon bald erfährt die umsichtige Ärztin, dass der Schwerkranke nicht nur gesundheitliche Probleme hat. Seine Schwester Julia setzt ihm in einem Erbschaftsstreit unerbittlich zu. Die Berufssoldatin wirft ihrem Bruder vor, sich zu wenig um die vor Kurzem verstorbene Mutter gekümmert zu haben. Dass weder der Käpt'n noch seine einzige Angehörige den ersten Schritt machen, nimmt Nora nicht hin. Um beide vor einem schweren Fehler zu bewahren, lastet sich die Ärztin eine schwierige Aufgabe auf. Dass ihre eigene Work-Life-Balance vor dem Kipppunkt steht, lässt Nora außer Acht.
Thu, Apr 20, 2023
Die begabte Ballettschülerin Lea träumt von der Hauptrolle bei der Tschaikowski-Aufführung des "Dornröschens". Für ihre Trainerin Bettina (Inka Löwendorf) ist das zehnjährige Transgender-Mädchen jedoch biologisch ein Junge und scheidet für die Besetzung als Prinzessin aus. Als Lea enttäuscht von der Probe nach Hause fährt, kommt es fast zu einem Unfall mit dem Rettungswagen von Nora (Tanja Wedhorn) und Lars (Bo Hansen). Auf ihre intuitive Art erkennt die Ärztin ohne Doktortitel, dass es bei ihrer jungen Patientin mehr als nur äußerliche Schürfwunden gibt. Warum passt Lea zu wenig auf sich auf? Welche Rolle spielt ihre Identitätsfindung? Um ihr zu helfen, setzt Nora auf fachkundigen Rat. Mit Hilfe der Psychotherapeutin Dr. Vieth (Pauline Knof) beginnt Nora zu verstehen, welche Konflikte Lea mit sich austrägt .
Wed, Apr 26, 2023
The phone of midwife Claudia Koserow can ring at any time. She does her responsible work with dedication to her job and hardness towards herself. However, the freelancer is under pressure from home: both her husband and her mother, who needs care, make her feel guilty. Although the midwife suffers a dizzy spell on a home birth call, she immediately gets back to business as usual. It sounds familiar to emergency doctor Nora Kaminski: too little sleep, too much stress. After another attack of dizziness, the alarm bells rang for the Rügen doctor. Although chief physician Dr. Heckmann considers the hospital findings to be unremarkable, the practice owner would like to investigate the cause. Even with Klara, the underage daughter of her boyfriend Max, the doctor without a doctorate has to carry out an examination. Her confidentiality puts Nora in a dilemma that can quickly lead to a relationship crisis.
Thu, Apr 11, 2024
Nora muss sich um die rätselhafte Erkrankung der jungen Influencerin Rosa Buhrow (Meira Durand) kümmern. Die junge Frau fühlt sich immer schwächer. Hängt das mit ihrem speziellen Ernährungsstil als Rohköstlerin zusammen oder hat sie doch eine seltene Krankheit? Außerdem fühlt Nora sich nicht gut - ist sie krank oder sind das schon die Wechseljahre?
Thu, Apr 18, 2024
Nora hat es mit einem überaus mysteriösen Fall zu tun: Jen (Anne-Marie Lux), Schauspielerin in dem Stück "Brunhild" am Theater Putbus, stürzt von ihrem Pferd und kann sich nicht mehr bewegen. Kurz darauf erholt sich die Patientin wieder, doch kaum genesen, kehren die Lähmungserscheinungen zurück. Nora erkennt: Ihre Patientin leidet an einer erweiterten Angststörung. Erst als Jen die Trauer um ihre verstorbene Mutter zulässt, verliert sie ihre Ängste und kann wieder auf eine eigene Zukunft hoffen.
Thu, Apr 25, 2024
Nora Kaminski rettet mit ihrem Lebensgefährten Max während eines Kanuausfluges einem Jungen aus der Ukraine das Leben. Der elfjährige Kyrill erholt sich rasch von seinem Unfall. Aber dann erkrankt seine Freundin Louisa an einer rätselhaften Immunschwäche. Nora ahnt, dass dies etwas mit den Streitereien von Louisas Eltern zu tun haben könnte und damit, dass Kyrills Unfall anscheinend kein reines Unglück war. Nora beginnt Nachforschungen anzustellen, ganz zum Unmut von Luisas Mutter. Schafft Nora es, die Ursache für Luisas Krankheit herauszufinden? Und was hat die Ehekrise von Luisas Eltern damit zu tun?
Thu, May 2, 2024
Nora möchte nach einem herben Schicksalsschlag weitermachen wie zuvor und beginnt wieder in der Praxis zu arbeiten ... Doch sie unterschätzt den Schmerz über den erlittenen Verlust. Ihre Gedanken schweifen immer wieder ab und sie kann sich nicht auf ihre Patientin, die Imbissbuden-Besitzerin Saskia Menke (48) konzentrieren. Plötzlich erleidet ihre Patientin einen schweren und rätselhaften Herzinfarkt. Nora findet heraus, dass ihre Patientin an einem stressbedingten Takotsubo-Syndrom leidet, ausgelöst durch ein lange gehütetes Familiengeheimnis. Nora versucht, die Familie wieder zusammenzuführen, um Saskias Adrenalin-Ausschüttungen zu besänftigen und ihr damit das Leben zu retten.