Speak Your Truth (2017) is a documentary directed by Kris Erickson. Erickson herself came out as a lesbian later in her life, despite being married to a man she loved. She learned that other women had had similar experiences. They left their heterosexual life when they were in their thirties, forties, or even fifties.
The women tell us their stories well, and the result is fascinating. However, I noticed that all of them were white, and all were relatively affluent. It would have been interesting to hear from women who were African-American or Latina, and from those that were in a financially precarious position.
We saw this film in Rochester's great Little Theatre. It was shown as part of the wonderful ImageOut--the Rochester LGBT Film Festival. This showing was a world premiere! Of all the thousands of movies I've seen, I believe this was the first world premiere. My compliments to the Programming Committee for bringing this film to Rochester. It will work well on the small screen if it becomes available.
P.S. As I write this review, the movie is "Under Production." It's strange that I can review it, but not give it a rating. Had I been able to rate it, I would have given it a 9.