The Silencing (2020) Poster


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The Solid Nikolaj and the Half Realized Script
TwistedContent21 July 2020
It's always interesting to see what the stars of big and beloved shows do after their characters leave (or when the show ends, sometimes in a manner that's anything but beloved... Yes, Benioff and Weiss), so a thriller with Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Game of Thrones) and Annabelle Wallis (Peaky Blinders) was anticipated with intrigue. The setting and plot topped the cake off with a cherry. And so, "The Silencing" is quite the decent thriller - never reached the stars and pales considerably in front of its spiritual similars and perhaps inspirations (True Detective, Wind River etc.), but no aspect really in this movie is below the average.

Nikolaj portrays Rayburn Swanson, a reformed hunter living in solitude in a wildlife sanctuary, troubled deeply by the disappearance of his daughter years ago. A deadly game of cat and mouse ensues, as he and the town Sheriff Alice (Annabelle Wallis) set out to track down a newly active serial killer who may have also kidnapped Rayburn's daughter. The story provides most of what one would expect, chases, clues, violence, investigative and other misconceptions, offering also some minor plot turns that could raise a couple eyebrows. Though serious and working on heavy themes, "The Silencing" lacks suspense and the atmosphere that could've been, as plot largely functions on familiar tropes and leads to a rather clichéd final act. Where the first feature screenplay by Micah Ranum doesn't realize its full potential, the performances, geographical backdrop and visual work tries their best to make up for it. I took some issue with the character of Alice, and Annabelle Wallis didn't have a whole lot to shine on, whereas Nikolaj's offering of Rayburn felt like the most fulfilled character, and acting performance within "The Silencing". Shot in Ontario, Canada, "The Silencing" utilizes the landscapes and small town's drab charms well, though this backdrop eventually plays a role smaller than I'd wish to see. Cinematography's solid if not exactly impressive, though throughout I was thinking it'd do better with a little less greys in color grading.

"The Silencing" feels lesser than it should've been, but it's never bad or truly boring. Decent, but forgettable, lands in the middle, one of those many movies that feel disappointing for... not being disappointing. Fans of rural thrillers, devious small town shenanigans and serial killer mysteries should be able to find a kick or two in "The Silencing". My rating: 6/10.
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A Really Big Unanswered Questioned Big Spoiler!!!
Mehki_Girl27 January 2022
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Spoilers below do not read!


... Why on earth did no one suggest that a medical person with surgical know how and expertise was the killer, given the expert surgical removal of the girls' vocal chords and suturing of the wound.

Not the crooked sheriff with the fancy college learning.

And not the medical examiner.

Not any of the other cops.

What was the motivation to kill the girls? Because his daughter was killed by a hit and run driver? Was the thought that his daughter was worthy, but other girls were a waste of human flesh? We can only speculate.

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Prevented from being very good. Watch Wind River (2017) instead
Gorillaboi19 July 2020
Everything about this movie is "okay". The story, the characters, etc. are all okay. None of it is bad. But none of it is fantastic either. It does the bare minimum a good movie should do. Good acting. Good writing. Good pacing. Good filming. Good editing. From a technical, movie 101 perspective, everything is textbook and it doesn't make any huge mistakes.

However, where the movie prevents itself from being very good, is in the following two things:

1. Ruins one very good opportunity and turns it into a pointless plot device. Midway through, a discovery is made which raises the stakes tremendously. From that point, the film could have done something very good. But in the end it's rendered useless as the plot jumps onto something else. And the villain emerges with very unconvincing motive.

2. It's a carbon-copy of a much better movie called Wind River (2017). I couldn't help but notice the similar look/feel within the first few minutes. The setting, the music and how the story opens was very similar. And much to my disappointment, the borrowing of ideas didn't stop there. The rest of the movie is practically the same. So if I could recommend one thing, is to go and watch the that other movie (Wind River) instead. Wind River is everything that this movie wishes it could be. In every department, that movie is fantastic.
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An effectively straight forward revenge thriller, that plays out like a northern wilderness feature film version of True Detective.
tresm8719 July 2020
You can definitely tell the writer and the director were heavily influenced from the True detective series for this particular film which is a good thing imo. The visual style, thematics, and plotting aspects are executed in similar fashion as the show. The overall story is relatively run of the mill as far as the murder mystery, and seeking revenge in tracking down the killer. Still it stays interesting enough and never gets too stale with enough intensity and suspense to keep attention. The actors are all decent and keep a level of intrigue throughout. Also some very well done cinematography and fantastic scenery/settings. There are some moments that seem a tad cliché like a big reveal towards the end, but overall it does what it needs to as a basic thriller.
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Excellent First 2/3rds, but Falls Apart in the End
salramirezjr6 June 2021
The story really moves along in the first two-thirds of the film, and the direction is not too shabby. However, the end is a let-down, and you certainly feel like you missed out. However, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau does a great job, as do most of the cast.
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Even Nikolaj couldn't save this one
Top_Dawg_Critic20 July 2020
Decent directing, excellent cinematography, but the writing needed more "oomph" and a more cohesive plot with less plot holes and technical issues. A good watch, but nothing spectacular. Would've been better as a short film, as the 93 min runtime with the slow pacing made this film feel much longer.
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Decent movie
Draysan-Jennings21 July 2020
Solid 6 star film. Not great not terrible. Dragged a little here and there but was still watchable.
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Solid old school murder mystery suspense
danyl-jaackyfe30 May 2022
Well acted. Well put together and paced old style movie. 80s murder mystery & suspense. Few flaws in script and a few little jumps to go with with it all the way. But keeps you going throughout, Few little turns that were unexpected that added to it and not predictable. All in all scraping into the 7s. But it's solid entertainment and far better than a lot of Netflix muck.
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Weak Storyline with holes ***SPOILERS HERE ******
carolsparks-4358730 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Nicholas is always a good watch. That being said, this movie had potential but there are some big holes. They really lost me when the sheriff shot Nickolai to cover for her brother, nearly killing him with a shotgun and she was able to function around town as normal. To add insult to injury, he decided to let it slide and liked to protect the sheriff. Really? Here's a big hole - the "serial killer" who is the town doc gone crazy after his daughter was hit by a drunk driver and, is killing girls with arrows with his initials on them. Cmon!! And there is no good connection as to why his dead daughter has caused him to kill other girls? The movie was entertaining, aside from the above and another dark and dreary small town depressing watch.....but it does hold your interest. A few tweaks and this could have been much better. The stars are for Nickolai mostly.
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The Silencing - Wind River but without the snow, without logic and without a coherent script
phizzle2126 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
4* out of 10*

First off: I mildly enjoyed watching this film and I was not bored. I am a sucker for cat-and-mouse-movies set in the wilderness. This one has an intriguing setting, some good scenery, mostly competent direction and acting and some good suspense. However, after it completely falls apart in the second half, I started to question the film - which became a very very frustrating exercise. Here is why:

The film is almost a complete carbon copy of Wind River: Remote setting in the wilderness in a Native American reserve: Check.

Lonesome hunter, who retreated from the world after losing his child: Check.

Estranged ex-wife with a new man: Check.

Female sheriff, who needs to prove herself: Check.

Dead girl in the wild: Check.

Vigilante justice: Check.

Only the wintery setting and the emotional depth of that fantastic film were missing. It's a miracle, the film-makers haven't been sued yet. Well, I can forgive derivative film-making as long as it is good.

Unfortunately, this film lacks any logic or coherent story-telling, which completely ruined the viewing experience. Here are most of its flaws:

Why did NCW stop hunting after his daughter disappeared but he never stopped drinking, which was the reason he lost her in the first place? Don't know.

Why was he already heavily drinking before his daughter disappeared? Don't know, never gets explored.

Where was the killer during the last 5 years since NCW's daughter disappeared? The town doesn't' seem to have a serial killer problem. Don't know.

Why can he drive, shoot, fight and basically do everything perfectly fine, when he is supposed to be wasted all the time? Don't know.

How do you survive an arrow to the heart, stitch yourself up and are able to get right back on the hunt and then carry a woman through the woods for several hours straight? Don't know.

Why did he have to carry her at all? She seemed to be able to walk before. Don't know.

Why does he NEVER try to get help or inform the police when he sees girls being hunted in the forest and especially not after he directly encounters the killer? Don't know.

Why is he sometimes a skilled stalker and hunter and sometimes behaves like a complete moron who has never set foot in the woods or held a gun? Using a shotgun in the woods or entering the killer's house without any caution and making noise. Don't' know.

Annabelle Wallis with her plastic-surgery-botox-L. A.-face is completely miscast as a backwater-town-sheriff.

NCW not only gets shot by an arrow to the heart. He also gets severely beaten AND shot in the guts but just keeps on going. This guy is invincible.

Sheriff steps in a freaking bear-trap. Instead of having her leg amputated and/or spending several weeks in a hospital she is back on her feet walking half an hour later!!!

Why do people pursuing someone always shout their names giving them the opportunity to run away (local native cop with the brother)? Don't know.

What happened to the brother in the barn as a kid? Could have made for an interesting motivation for his and the sheriff's actions... Don't know, never gets explored.

Wallis shoots NCW to protect who she thinks is her brother (WHY would she do that??!?). Why does she not get suspended, let alone investigated after NCW tells the police what she did?!?!!? She gets to keep her gun and to lead the investigation. Alone this flaw was enough to sink the whole film. Let alone, them reconciling and teaming up to get the killer afterwards. Well, I guess it was necessary that she owed him one, so she had to let him go after he got his unlawful vigilante revenge.

Now for the finale and the reveal of the killer:

The doctor of all people. It is just a cheap plot device and lazy writing, if you reveal someone as the killer who was never on the suspect list and to whom we have NO emotional connection. Completely no pay-off for the viewer.

All the victims' vocal chords had been perfectly surgically removed. Why did they never investigate surgeons or medical professionals? Don't know.

Why were the scars apparently old and all perfectly healed, when he killed the girls? Don't know.

Why did he even silence the girls? Don't know, absolutely no connection to the killer's daughter's death.

So his teenage daughter was killed by a drunk driver. Did this make him hunt drunkards? No. Why hunt teenage girls? Don't know. Would have made much more sense if he hunted NCW - who happens to be a drunk.

Why did the killer save NCW's life when he knew he was on his trail? Don't know.

How did the doctor become such a skilled hunter? Don't know.

Why on earth did he use an atlatl? Don't know. Guess, it's a cool weapon.

What was that ridiculous grass suit? Don't know. Must be almost impossible to move or see in that thing. Looks scary, I guess.

Why did the neighbour lend his car to the doctor when it is shown that he obviously has his own truck? Don't know. Yeah, I do know. It's called a red herring.
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Original and there is nothing wrong with that.
jaimecave13 December 2020
First of all comparing this to Wind River is not a useful critique. Wind River addresses the high rate at which Indigenous Women in North America/Canada go missing around exploratory mining sites.

This movie was a look at individuals who are flawed and who eek out their own idea of justice, to exact revenge or protect others. It's not a box office hit but it is underrated.

After 20 mins I forgot all about Jamie Lannister and Grace Shelby.

I recommend watching, if you enjoy story telling and can put away preconceptions.
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Fairly enjoyable, but the writing is frustrating
skitsa232612 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching this. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau was believable and some stunning scenery. However:

1. Doctor is the killer after his daughter was killed by a drunk driver and left to die in the woods. So he takes vengeance by killing similar age girls?! Really?!

2. They have their vocal chords surgically removed (why this doesn't automatically lead the authorities to start investigating medical professionals, I'll never know) but there is literally no explanation for it. No reasoning. You'd think given that the film is titled "The Silencing", there would at least be SOME form of link.

3. The killer fights with the protagonist, knocks him out, attempts to kill the girl by spearing her through the stomach, only for the sheriff to arrive, think that the killer is her brother so shoots the protagonist. Then NOTHING happens to her. At all. Ever. Even if the main guys does drop all the charges later on, there is still a decent amount of time up to that where she's still on active duty like nothing happened.

Found myself skipping through parts to save myself the frustration.

Overall good potential and beautiful scenery, but let down severely by lazy writing.
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Hunt the writer
knightwp2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Solid performance from NCW, Annebele was sub-par performance, the script is horrible. All the build ups were not nothing, the motive of of the killler is laughable. The title silencing, what's the point? Well, they should silence whoever wrote this. One major downturn of the movie was when the Sheriff thought the suspect was her brother by guessing the guesture he made, without making sure, she shot the guy who caught him. That's one dirty cop! Better yet, she later found out opps it's not her brother and she vowed to catch the killer in front of the seriously injured girl. After all these, the writer would think the audiences are still into the movie? Do yourselves a favour, save the 90 mins of your life.
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Definitely Worth the watch!
SlackMovieLover23 December 2023
Had some very good moments that were fresh, exciting and different. For anybody thinking about watching, it's worth it. Don't know why so many are hating on this movie. It delivers some gore. It's got some creepy elements to it. Cinematography was great. A Few scenes shocked me and had me yelling out loud. The movie kept moving along and didn't bog down with a lot of dialogue. I Thought Jaime from GOT was really good. It does have a "Wind River" feel to it. It is a viscerally depressing and sad movie that has a lot of emotions to it that are believable and palpable. This was a complete random watch and it was a winner.
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Not to bad, was a enjoyable watch
bigsteve-5894518 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I love murder mysteries, movies that dont give away the plot to early. So this one was actually good i didnt figure it out to close to the end. The acting was 6/10 and the plot and writing was also a 6/10 thats why i gave it a 6/10 rating. I find that when a story has good character building and it really gives you good background into why things happen in the story.but it wasnt developed enough for me the Sheriff played Alice Gustafson, and the male lead Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Rayburn Swanson did a great job. Id recommend it for a good watch nothing more then that
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Decent Crime Thriller
Freedom06028624 July 2020
Although the last twenty minutes of the movie is somewhat too predictable, overall this is a decent crime thriller. I would have preferred we be given more background details, especially concerning what happened before the beginning scenes of the movie.

But there's a very good cast here, and there's enough mystery and suspense to keep the viewer's interest.
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Very Nice Worth a watch
ravindra-0127922 July 2020
Everything is nice except it's a tad bit slow at times, lacks much action.... the movie on the whole is nice and definitely worth a watch on a lazy Weekend.
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this is a cloaked twinn peaks
ops-5253518 July 2020
Ive seen better movies on this subject/topic, and that is because there are too many inconsistencies and loud screams of ludocrisity done by the caracters in the plot. a superindependent sheriff that does the lonesome ride everywhere danger is, and the parkkeepers lack or will of communicating with police and others in dire situations, a w/t or a cell might have given some truthfulness working or not, or a simple houseline phone or better. its also hard to understand the police juristictions and the way law enforcement are dealt with, it just becomes deadwater where there are no push to be found.

acting wise, and the filmographic presentation are well done, much thanks to the choice of locations and nature scenery, but the story are plotted like good old ''twin peaks'', extremely slow, and wait till next weekend to get another clue.

its a film that will enerve some and make others bite nails from the nerves, the grumpy old man liked the first one third the rest is for you to decide. its a recommend anyway
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Murder, vengeance and justice in the wilderness of the northern Great Lakes region
Wuchakk20 March 2022
The alcoholic owner of a wildlife sanctuary (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and the new Sheriff of a northern Minnesota county (Annabelle Wallis) discover evidence of someone possibly hunting girls. The former craves vengeance and the latter wants justice while questioning her troubled little brother's involvement (Hero Fiennes). Zahn McClarnon, Melanie Scrofano and Shaun Smyth are also on hand.

"The Silencing" (2020) is a wilderness crime mystery/thriller along the lines of "The Vanished" (2020), but with elements of "Kiss the Girls" (1997). Some armchair critics are rash to point out supposed flaws, but practically everything is logically explained with a little imagination. Sure, there are movie-isms, like in the last acts of "A Simple Plan" (1998) and "The Virtuoso" (2021), but that's par for the course in cinema, particularly this genre.

Nikolaj makes for a quality masculine protagonist and it's always a pleasure to see Annabelle Wallis. There's a surprise or two along with the formula. The fact that the melancholic story keeps you guessing is a plus, not to mention the picturesque cinematography.

The movie runs 1 hour, 33 minutes, and was shot in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, which is about an hour's drive due west of North Bay.

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The logic is not strong with this one.
henriette-kruger2201 August 2020
There were so many plot conveniences, unmotivated actions, plain stupid decisions, and even a few blatantly impossible inconsistencies, and unfortunately Nikolaj Coster-Waldau's (admittedly decent) performance can't save it. I was also very disappointed in Annabelle Wallis's performance, as I really liked her in Peaky Blinders. She somehow manages to sound bored while holding a killer at gunpoint. The film's only other saving grace is the gorgeous scenery.
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A well acted and twisty thriller movie well worth your time
jtindahouse25 July 2020
'The Silencing' had all the things I love in a film. It had unexpected moments sprinkled throughout, a lead character I liked and wanted to be alright in the end, a whodunnit element and some twists. What more could you ask for from a thriller? This was the type of movie that was coming out every week back in the 90s, and they were all great, yet these days you're lucky if you get one every couple of months and they're not usually as good as they used to be. So when I come across one as well done as this film was it is a rare treat.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau from 'Game of Thrones' plays the lead role, and he was a remarkably good lead-man. Not only is he naturally likeable but he is also very easy to sympathise with. His character has had something awful happen to him and so he has become an alcohol and can be quite unpleasant to his ex-wife's husband for example. Sometimes these characters can be very hard to get onboard with if they're played by the wrong actor, but in this case I was happy to look past his flaws and get on-side with him.

As mentioned earlier I really like a good whodunnit. They're incredibly out of fashion these days unfortunately, but 'The Silencing' is a great reminder of how well they can work in cinema. I really enjoyed this movie and would highly recommend people give it a watch.
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Good thriller but not perfect.
deloudelouvain8 January 2021
The are a lot of positive things to write about The Silencing, although not everything was perfect, but the positives outweigh the negative. The story is interesting and captivating to follow. The acting is very good and that from the entire cast. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as the leading character did a very fine job. The cinematography was also top, good editing and quality images. But the story could have been a little bit better what could have result in a higher rating. For example when somebody gets an arrow in the heart region and gets shot in the stomach, or another steps in a bear trap, and they both can walk around or even run and fight like nothing happened to them it's just not that believable and that brings the quality down. Other than that it was very enjoyable to watch, with the right amount of suspense and a nice twist that could have been more elaborated though.
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Just wow....
bdpeterson-0631019 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some words I would use to describe this mess of a movie would include "ridiculous" "unbelievable" "lazy". Some of the NUMEROUS plot holes...

1. Do cellphones not exist? The main character carries one of the the injured girls all day and night, and seriously doesn't have a cell phone call the police? And when they finally get to his house he again doesn't think to call the police?? Unbelievable!

2. The main character is injured by the killers arrows and DOESN'T seek medical attention OR inform the police that the literally killer they have been looking for is on his property and has wounded him?? Instead ops to take some shots and stitch himself up? What?? Are you actually serious?

3. The sheriff literally shots the main character and is allowed to return to work? ANYTIME a law enforcement officer is involved in a shooting they are IMMEDIATELY placed on leave until the incident is investigated. The fact the writers didn't know that is just plain embarrassing and lazy. And after the main character is AGAIN wounded, he AGAIN doesn't seek medical attention?? They have some doctor who we never met, and have absolutely zero connection to, and who somehow, turns out to be the killer?? Come and bandage him up? Frankly the whole situation with the sheriff shooting the main character and they him "forgiving" and being "even now" to her to turning a blind eye to him killing the killer was ridiculously and wildly unbelievably I laughed for five straight minutes.

Did the writers of this movie have no shame? They ruined their credibility as writers in one fell swoop this ludicrous and embarrassing excuse for a movie. Just wow...
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Stupid stupid stupid
thechez200410 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We have another film.with a good premise thst fails to deliver because of bad writing.

1 why was the sherrifs brother dressed as the killer ?

2 why did the hero not contact the police straightaway when he was shot with an arrow?

3 why would the killer target young girls and not drink drivers?

The whole film felt meaningless just due yo bad writing.

I could go on about the plot holes like how did the sheriff know where the camera where in area of fifty square miles

Watchable but don't expect a clever suspense thriller.
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Monsters Need to Suffer
Slarkshark17 March 2024
A murder mystery thriller set in a community that has no shortage of issues. As a result, the characters have plenty of their own issues, which gives the film a dark and depressing vibe throughout.

'The Silencing' is not bad, and quite enjoyable, but as others have said, is a pale comparison to similar films such as 'Wind River'.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, most known as Jamie Lannister in 'Game of Thrones', is believable and plays his character well. Annabelle Wallis is a decent actress and she is okay in this, although there were a few line deliveries that were noticeably bad.

A note taken from the film.... In this world, only people can be evil.
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