#2 ∙ S1.E1 ∙ Yo tambiénTue, Apr 18, 2017Lina has been diagnosed with hepatitis. Now, following her doctor's advice, she will contact her former sexual partners to tell them about it.8.5/10 (23)Rate
#4 ∙ S1.E2 ∙ Renovarse o morirTue, Apr 25, 2017A young man decides to attend his first chemsex party. The guys who have organized it only have two rules: avoid any kind of risk and only safe sex.8.0/10 (10)Rate
#8 ∙ S2.E5 ∙ EstigmaSat, Nov 30, 2019It's friday night, the bell rings and Alex opens the door to the worst of his fears.6.4/10 (6)Rate