With a small budget and coming out the same week as Infinity War, Ninjak Vs the Valiant Universe is a great introduction to the smaller Valiant Universe. Most people know of Marvel and DC but this series really gets to grips with the characters from the Valiant Universe. Having the story take off where Ninjak is forced to work for enemy Roku is a great way of introducing newcomers to some of Valiants more popular characters.
I take one off for some of the dialogue and some cast didn't quite come off as well as they do in the comics. However what Bat in the Sun and Valiant did do was capture something different from your run of the mill Marvel/DC films and TV.
This series had terrific fight scenes. And there were no glorious stares to the camera or hero poses etc or where the hero gets their ass whipped and two minutes later they are fine. In this series the fights are as realistic as they can be and brutal and when someone gets injured etc it's more realistic and true to life in that it carries on through the story. There are no holds barred and for a low budget this really is very enjoyable to watch.
I so enjoyed how strong the female characters were and in particular Livewire and Roku. Michael Rowe was amazing as Ninjak and he really got the personality of the character spot on. I know a few were peeved at a non UK accent however a millionaire playboy character and spy would be well travelled. Other good performances were Kevin Porter as Armstrong who really got the character spot on as well.
I really recommend anyone to watch this and then delve into the comics and you won't be disappointed. It feels like Ninjak and the Valiant Universe is just getting started and I really hope we get another series or two or three (you'll get that joke if you watch it).