This Brazilian TV series, developed by FOX, it is now in its second season, drawing attention to Brazilian production. It is still not very popular, probabibly because it is only available to Fox subscribers, but for those who can find it, it is worth the watch. It tells a story inspired by real events, that even though seemingly absurd, are more than common in Brazil, where dubious drug-laws and even more dubious police forces, have several times resulted in the unfair enprisonment of regular citizens, transformed into criminals by our detention system. Even though the script is funny and the actors produce laughs from the viewer, its message is serious. It is innovative, its clichés are intentional and creative, the acting is great. There are a few flaws, and sometimes you get the impression that there are only 15 people inside the prison, but i guess it was just low budget. Rate it 10 for encouragement!!!