When Officer Lin (Jackie Chan) is undercover secretly looking after his daughter (who does not know who he is because she was sent to an orphanage when she was a youngster) is working at her school cafeteria, his name badge says "Jackie Chan".
Lionsgate's 2018 release of this movie removed all Mandarin spoken in the movie. This includes the bloopers at the end of the movie as well as the closing song, sung by Jackie Chan.
End credits song is an updated version of the Police Story (1985) title song with Jackie singing.
This movie is subtitled throughout in Chinese and English, even during the English language parts of the movie were set in Sydney. But the outtakes during the end credits are spoken in Chinese, and there are no subtitles whatsoever.
Jackie Chan's actual name is spoken 3 times during the film, and seen once on a name tag.