"Mia and Me: the Hero of Centopia" is a fun and exciting animated movie based on a TV series that is up to its fourth season.
It follows Mia, a young girl, who can travel to a magical world called Centopia. In this world, Mia has already met and made friends with some elves and unicorns from the TV version and with the help of her old friends and some new ones, she embarks on a quest to save Centopia and its inhabitants from the evil toad, Toxor.
The look and design of this film is visually stunning and the characters are lovable and engaging. The story is captivating, full of adventure and the message of friendship and good triumphs evil is delivered clearly. The movie also touches on important themes such as teamwork and believing in yourself.
This movie is not all about war and fighting as other reviews have stated, and while these elements exist they are balanced with those of fun and enjoyable moments flying on rainbows, dance parties and meeting the great storm unicorn. The animation quality is a little hit and miss but overall gets the job done. The music is great, fun and playful when it needs to be, thrilling and dramatic when the stakes are high.
Overall, Mia and Me the Hero of Centopia is a great movie for both young and old audiences alike. Its exciting storyline and creative characters are sure to entertain and inspire.