As I sat down to watch the 2015 romantic drama titled "234 Shuo Ai Ni" (aka "Another Woman") from writers Ching Wu, Yi-Jun Chang Lee and Wei-Chen Chang I didn't know what I was in for, as I hadn't heard about the movie. All I knew was that it was a Taiwanese romantic drama. And since I do enjoy Asian movies, of course I sat down to watch this movie.
Boy, oh boy, talk about a snooze-fest of epic proportions. The narrative in the movie was so insanely slow paced and dull that it was difficult to stay awake as the movie trotted on an on in a pace that would make even a shambling zombie go 'how about you getting into gear?'
I was not the least bit entertained by director Wei-Chen Chang's 2015 movie, and it was near impossible to get into the mood of the movie and submerged into the storyline. Why? Well, because the concept of the whole movie was just so very, very unappealing to me and my personality.
Now, I am sure that lead actress Ariel Lin (playing Chien Peixun) and lead actor Hao Qin (playing Li Yao) were doing good jobs with their performances, but they virtually had no script to work with and only had bland and essentially faceless characters and mundane dialogue to work with. So I can't claim to have been impressed with what I witnessed.
If you enjoy Asian romantic dramas, then I would strongly suggest that you spend your time, money and effort on anything else rather than "234 Shuo Ai Ni", because there are lots better movies readily available.
My rating of "234 Shuo Ai Ni" lands on a two out of ten stars.