First things first, yes, this game is pretty difficult. Difficult enough to make DS2 and Bloodborne look like Disneyland to me. I reached nearly the end of it and realized there's no other way but to call for help. For that get yourself a PlayStation plus subscription if on ps4 or the analogue subscription for other platforms. Playing online will make it easier and a lot more fun. My major rules for Dark Souls are - 1. Don't be afraid to fight 2. Keep the foes close 3. Play with no rage 4. Don't rush and take your time to explore.
Have fun! This is one the best games you'll ever play. Hidetaka Miyazaki has put an enormous amount of effort into every detail of this beautiful world you're likely to never forget. I wish there are more people like him in the entertainment industry loyal to what they are doing. What I would also like to specifically point out as outstanding is the soundtrack this game has. After hearing the beautiful piece of the early video preview released in 2015 I was certain we're to see and hear something epic, but the composers even exceeded my expectations. I can clearly say there's a fight where the score playing is so good I couldn't concentrate on beating the boss. So special thanks to Yuka Kitamura, Motoi Sakuraba and Nobuyoshi Suzuki. I thank the entire crew and everybody involved in the creation of Dark Souls 3. You're brilliant, guys! The very sad news is master Miyazaki announced this will be the last in the series. The good news is we'll get 2 DLC's. Either way I'll be revisiting this game frequently, to me Dark Souls never ends. I'm proud to be a fan of this game and before starting playing the next game waiting, I will be improving some of my skills for the upcoming DLC's. P.S. I really hope the ps4 remaster of the first Dark Souls is on its' way.