This film is the feature debut of short film maker Ronnie Sandahl and is about 23-year-old "Dino" (Bianca Kronlöf) dreams of a different life.
Like an abundance of Swedes her age, she has fled the mass unemployment of her home country Sweden in search of a more promising future in rich Oslo in the neighboring country Norway. But she finds herself stuck in a destructive loop of temporary jobs through a recruitment bureau, money trouble, life in a tiresome collective with hard partying. Some coincidence changes her situation drastically when she gets a job as a housemaid watching out for a young girl.
Underdog is both raw and tender, and also realistic as well as funny - showing a hard every day life of many Swedes in Norway. Just as it probably is for many in the same situation across the globe, due to the large youth unemployment in many countries today, where youths have become neighboring countries' servants in restaurants and private homes, a few years after being equals.
The story is both typical and not. It keeps your interest, and is well played. We understand there are underlying problems, which slowly are revealed. The kind of baggage people have, and which is slowly unraveled. Young talent Bianca Kronlöf is doing a great job in the role av Dino, easily matches way more experienced Henrik Rafaelsen, and it's no wonder this film has become quite critically acclaimed, and has won a bunch of film festival prizes.
The film gives many reasons for reflections, as well as really make you think about how we really treat each other, and abruptly accepts changing situations like this, where we accept both rapid changes in social differences as well as start treating people in a quite appalling way, when it comes to rich and poor. Well worth a watch.