As chilean I felt so proud of this movie. The story is factual and accurate (except for the main character, that is). The author and the book are one of our dear readings, so I felt moved, and prompt to learn more about the background. Little did I know about Maria Carolina Geel and her own deeds at the time, and how Gabriela Mistral gave her a hand to set her free. Same as in the film, I don't believe that any woman close to the culture can feel uninvited somehow, and being dragged to experience a bit of the same sorority . The movie is pleasure to watch, well written and narrated; calm and introspective. Some criticism can be harsh, but quite real and again, accurate. At some point, there was a fight inside of me with the main character, but I couldn't help being absorbed by a recurrent call for compassion that leaves so much space for self expression. Many arguments were constructed subtlety, yet that wasn't the true intention. Not even the main trigger was relevant. The movie moves on a different layer, far from the mainstream. If you are looking for an experience rather than mere entertainment, this might be your option.