Viewed on Funimation.
Anime series that follows pop idol Sakura Hagiwara whom decides she's going to beat Pro Wrestlers at their own game after her idol group, Sweet Diva, is humiliated during a cross promotional event with the wrestling gym Berserk.
In terms of narrative I actually think it's paced pretty well for the first half, it takes her that long to finally get a win and it shows her genuinely struggle to actually make this work. However, one that happens it has just a bit too much going on. She almost immediately gets the attention of the world champion, she gets a protege (in a storyline that doesn't really go anywhere), and becomes embroiled in a conflict with a mysterious figure assaulting the other wrestlers of her group. I will say they do end it in a reasonably satisfying manner.
Animation wise, it's okay. It's clearly a show centered around the cheesecake fan service, and such shows usually don't have much of a budget & it shows. I've seen better, but I've also seen worse (in terms of the cheesecake itself, while the wrestling action provides ample opportunity to show close ups of certain features, the show provides surprisingly little in terms of actual nudity, maybe 3 scenes at most). I will say they make effective use of submission holds to actually have to animate very little while keeping the matches relatively interesting (I joke, but it seems 50% of the show is someone in a Boston Crab, lol).