This series is centred on Momochi Himari, an orphan, who, on her sixteenth birthday, receives a surprising inheritance; the Momochi family estate. This might not be as good as it sounds as the house is rumoured to be haunted! Undaunted she goes there and is surprised to find three young men living there. They warn her to leave immediately but she refuses and soon encounters the spirits they warned of. Her life is going to get interesting and perhaps a bit dangerous.
I thought this was an enjoyable series. The idea of an orphan girl finding herself living with a trio of handsome boys with a magical secret might not be the most original... at least to anybody who watched either version of 'Fruits Basket' but this manages to do its own thing with the concept. There is plenty of character development and a good amount of tension throughout the series. The character designs and animation of pretty good as is the look of the setting. Overall I'd say this is worth a watch if you enjoyed shojo series like 'Fruits Basket' and are looking for something new.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.