The film "Paradise," regrettably, falls short of the hype and offers an unimpressive viewing experience in general. The story, which revolves around an ostensibly exciting journey, is rife with cliches and predictable turns that rob the film of any thrill or novelty. The plot is fragmented and leaves the audience more perplexed than captivated due to the screenplay's lack of consistency.
Character development is scant, and the conversation is terribly written, offering no insight into the protagonists' motivations or personalities. It is difficult for viewers to emotionally invest in their journeys because of this lack of depth. Despite the best efforts of a gifted cast, the performances lack credibility and feel forced, mostly because to poor scriptwriting and directing. From a cinematographic standpoint, the movie is also unimpressive. The images, which had the potential to be a strong point, are ruined by a lack of imagination in picture composition and dull camerawork. The film feels longer than its running time due to the jerky editing, which further ruins the narrative flow.
Furthermore, the background music might be bothersome at times because it makes an excessive effort to create a dramatic and tense mood but ends up being a distraction. The experience of watching is further diminished by the absence of an engaging music.
In general, "Paradise" is a lethargic addition to Malayalam film; it lacks the inventiveness, nuance, and emotional resonance necessary to leave a lasting impression.