Based on a manga itself, Tokyo Loser is about Natsumi (Kie Kitano) who moves to Tokyo from the countryside to enter an arts' university and become a recognized manga artist. In Tokyo, Natsum... Read allBased on a manga itself, Tokyo Loser is about Natsumi (Kie Kitano) who moves to Tokyo from the countryside to enter an arts' university and become a recognized manga artist. In Tokyo, Natsumi meets Ryosuke (Sosuke Ikematsu) and they are soon a couple except the relationship is cu... Read allBased on a manga itself, Tokyo Loser is about Natsumi (Kie Kitano) who moves to Tokyo from the countryside to enter an arts' university and become a recognized manga artist. In Tokyo, Natsumi meets Ryosuke (Sosuke Ikematsu) and they are soon a couple except the relationship is cut short owing to the latter's lack of money. Natsumi has to get a job as she struggles wit... Read all