I am leaving this review on behalf of a few of us small town folks, currently living in the San Pedro Valley, in southern AZ.
We love this series so far!!
This type of story represents home for us. I think a lot of the negative reviews on this series are from city folks who probably don't know a thing about truly living in the American Southwest. The rough beauty of the Sonoran Desert is truly a sight to behold. We are proud to live in one of the most historically important parts of the Great 48. Costner's series is trying to remind Americans of where we came from, because it is more relevant now than ever before in our history. It's not about glamour and extreme entertainment. It's about history and reality. I know that most of y'all find both to be boring, but maybe you could just try to look at this from a different perspective. Don't look at these films as you would most others. Take off the Hollywood colored glasses, bring your mind back to the real world, stop expecting extreme entertainment in everything, and just view this story as a true American would. You are really missing out if you don't.
P. S. We have a famous, western movie set right up the road from us. What's cooler than that? :-P.