The story is not only about an about teenager, nonetheless is just a transitioning movie, is a depiction of many of the feelings that someone has when they can never be comfortable with themselves. And it was perfectly made.
I believe this movie can't really be appreciated unless there is a motive of connection with Tosiek, or any other of the characters.
Which I believe is the strongest point of the movie, a relatable factor. And it's fine, not all movies are for everyone, does not mean they're bad, just not for you.
I do believe has some flaws in how the story is told, because it tells too much in too little, a little longer movie or a short series could've been the answer. However I've noticed that there is a mistake on what people perceived and is that all the events do not happen in only one day, there is a longer story line, I mean like "weeks storyline", but it isn't fully drawn when portrayed either on the script or by the editors.
Could be on purpose to show how disconnected was Tosiek was from reality, or a mistake on the design of the division of days, but it doesn't happen in only one day.
The movie is a great vent of feelings and portrays many factors of reality. Even with this timeline flaw, it's a really good queer portrayal, and it's a really good pioneer on achillean relationships that are not conformed by cisgender people.