Pesadilla" is a haunting and atmospheric psychological thriller that delves into the darkest corners of the human psyche and mental health struggles. Directed by Dylan Anglin, this film grips viewers from the opening scene and refuses to let go until the credits roll. Anglin's direction is masterful, creating a palpable sense of tension and unease that permeates every frame. The cinematography is striking, with stark contrasts and clever use of light and shadow adding to the film's eerie atmosphere. The standout performance comes from veteran actor Mike Davis, whose portrayal of Gramps is both masterful and disturbing. Overall Pesadilla is a compelling story with chilling visuals including standout practical effects by Hunter Groves. Anglin proves himself to be a talent to watch in the world of indie horror, and Pesadilla is a promising film that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats, and with an uneasy feeling on the drive home.