Hellboy: The Crooked Man (2024) Poster

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It should be on Youtube not at the cinema
PoTarcioBR8 September 2024
I'm not one of those movie experts, but let me say this: it is NOT a real movie. Everything from the story and special effects till the dubbing (I watched in PT) feels plastic to me. Everything that happens is out of coincidence or luck, which gives you that cheap taste. I liked some characters and scenes, but my liking for it can only go so far. I'm not gonna say it's a waste of time because it didn't feel like that to me. Just go to the theaters expecting to see a fan made movie, that's all.

Now I'm just saying words to complete the minimum requirement of six hundred characters which I think is too much.
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Looks like a fan made film
pedroquintaoo1 September 2024
"Hellboy: The Crooked Man" tries to revive the iconic character's universe but faces serious challenges that prevent it from reaching the heights of Guillermo del Toro's films. The low budget is not enough to capture the grandeur and complexity of Hellboy's world, resulting in a rather limited effort overall. It feels like they tried to reboot Harry Potter with a budget equivalent to an episode of a mediocre CW show. While the production team clearly made their best effort to address the shortcomings, it was a tough task.

Additionally, the supporting cast is another weak point. The performances are weak and often unconvincing, even less realistic and more frightening than roles in "Power Rangers." However, Jack Kesy as Hellboy is one of the few positive aspects. I hope this role opens doors for him, as it is one of the few things that really work in the film.

The makeup and special effects also appear cheap and uninspired, failing to create an immersive experience and making the attempt to build a scary atmosphere fall short, giving it an amateurish feel.

On the other hand, the film's atmosphere, though limited, is a positive aspect, along with the soundtrack featuring eerie melodies that contribute to the dark and mystical tone the film aims for. However, the sound editing, especially the jump scares, is overly excessive.

"Hellboy: The Crooked Man" is a film that tries to capture the essence of a complex universe with limited resources, resulting in a movie that feels more like a fan-made project than a true reinvention of the character. It is an example of how a low budget can severely compromise a film's potential, even with genuine effort from the production team.
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Boorriinnggg 98% talking 2% action
oguz407 September 2024
You'd expect Hellboy to be a wild ride full of intense action, epic battles, and the kind of adrenaline-pumping scenes that keep you on the edge of your seat. Instead, what we got was a movie bogged down by endless, mind-numbing dialogue.

And the worst part? Most of that talking wasn't even from Hellboy himself! He felt more like a background character in his own movie.

It was mostly the other characters driving the narrative, leaving Hellboy sidelined and underused. The film dragged on, with far too many unnecessary conversations and not enough of the action we came to see.

Honestly, it was baffling. You sit down expecting a badass, fiery adventure with a legendary comic book hero, and instead, you get a tedious mess where Hellboy barely even shines.

The pacing was slow, the character development weak, and it felt like the filmmakers completely missed the essence of what makes Hellboy so beloved.

It wasn't just bad-it was so, so, so bad. The disappointment was overwhelming. It's hard to believe they dropped the ball this much on such a promising character.
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Looks like a low budget fan made
brunojuggernaut12 September 2024
Very disappointed by this movie. The trailer was cool and the product did not deliver. The movie lacks of direction, art, performance, poor dialogues. Terrible make up. The photography is very sad, lots of unnecessary camera moves.

If you expect something like the first and second, you are not gonna get it.

The visuals are so bad that does not fit with the plot and the acting.

Even the wardrobe looks very cheap. Hellboy pants looks as bad as his makeup, but his acting is even worst.

There is no chemistry between the actors. The settings are very poorly chosen ending in a product that looks like a school project made with cheap phones.
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Oh boy, it's Hell !
dextermorgan-916033 September 2024
This garbage is an abysmal misfire that only tarnishes the legacy of the beloved comic character. The film is a disaster from start to finish, failing in nearly every aspect of filmmaking, from its mediocre script to its lackluster performances and embarrassing visual effects.

The plot, which should have been a dark and thrilling exploration of Hellboy's adventures in the Appalachian backwoods, instead feels like a poorly strung-together sequence of clichés and uninspired horror tropes.

The pacing is atrocious, dragging its feet through long, dull stretches that leave the audience bored and disengaged. It's hard to believe this story came from the mind of Mike Mignola, considering how it has been butchered beyond recognition.

Performance-wise, the cast seems entirely checked out, delivering lifeless and wooden portrayals that are far beneath their talent. Hellboy himself is reduced to a one-dimensional caricature, lacking any of the charm or depth that made the character iconic.

The supporting characters are forgettable at best and cringeworthy at worst, with dialogue so stilted it sounds like it was written by a first-year film student.

Visually, the movie is a complete eyesore. The special effects look like they were ripped from a low-budget TV movie from the early 2000s.

The creature designs are uninspired, and the CGI is so poorly executed that it takes you out of the experience entirely. Even the practical effects, which could have been a saving grace, are laughably bad.

The direction is utterly inept, lacking any sense of style or coherence. The horror elements fail to deliver even a hint of tension or fear, instead leaning on cheap jump scares that don't land. The film's tone is all over the place, trying to balance horror, action, and dark comedy, but succeeding in none. The result is a jumbled mess that doesn't know what it wants to be.

How does anyone in their sane mind give the directional capabilities to the moron who destroyed Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance is beyond me. Also the lack of budget is very much prominent in the scenes also hiring God knows who the actors are whether they can be called so is a doubt.

I knew it from the first trailer that this was going to be a straight to vod type garbage.

It's a soulless, uninspired cash grab that disrespects its source material and its audience. Avoid this one at all costs-you'll thank yourself later.
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Honestly the wrost movie I've ever seen in a cinemaq
alvesmiguelm1 September 2024
Disaster from start to finish.

The movie is all over the place-confusing as hell with a plot that's impossible to follow. It tries too hard to be dramatic and terrifying but fails miserably, offering not much entertaining.

The action scenes are a joke, completely underwhelming, and the color scheme is an awful, depressing grey that makes everything look washed out and dull.

The writing is mid at best, with dialogue that's uninspired, and the characters have zero depth or development.

Overall, this movie is a huge letdown and a complete waste of time. There wasn't any hype to begin with, and after watching this mess, it's easy to see why. Avoid it.
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This movie is terrible. If the picture wasn't high quality I'd give it 1 star but the camera man did good. Or whoever owned the camera it's a good one
mbbpkgf13 September 2024
This movie comes off as a short. Or a stage play. It almost like a one act, one setting movie. They shouldn't have made this a movie. Could have been a 15 minute story. I kept checking my watch after about 20 minutes. After 45 minutes I told myself this is still the same event as the beginning of the movie. Like nothing happened. After an hour I started contemplating on going home to instead watch Netflix. It's a whole lot of nothing. No captivating storyline. Just a straight mission and that's it. You're not watching a multi act movie with ups and downs, you're watching a mission being done. It's far too straight forward. No one should have to pay for this. This is not even a good background movie. I wouldn't do laundry with this on.
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That was surprisingly decent!
jared-2533113 September 2024
I loved the first two live-action Hellboy movies and I even enjoyed the two animated movie and on the other hand, I absolutely couldn't stand the 2019 movie and I'm glad that it failed because that wasn't my Hellboy. Now, I've just finished watching Hellboy: The Crooked Man (2024) and I'm surprised by how decent this movie especially since I wasn't excited for this movie.

Positives for Hellboy: The Crooked Man (2024): First off, I appreciated that this movie decided to go the fantasy-horror route only especially since one of my main criticisms of the 2019 movie was that it couldn't decide which genre it wanted to be in. I liked that the filmmakers kept the look of Hellboy practical with no CGI. I also appreciated that this wasn't just another generic superhero movie that have been coming out nowadays. I also loved that the movie is more small scale with its approach to the story. And finally, Jack Kesy is good as the version of Hellboy and he's able to stand on his own without having me comparing him to Ron Perlman.

Negatives for Hellboy: The Crooked Man (2024): The movie is very low-budget and it clearly shows in the final product. There are also some wacky CGI that are bad, but not horrible. And finally, I don't know if this movie will start a new franchise due to the limitations and that would suck because there's a lot that can work and be improved on in sequels.

Overall, Hellboy: The Crooked Man (2024) is a solid enough superhero horror movie that breathe some fresh air into the superhero genre and I would like to see this turned into a franchise.
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20 million $ Budget
amrmriadlic10 September 2024
A 20 million $ budget for a superhero movie in 2024. That's 20 million for actors, director, special effects, equipment used, etc. I've watched movies on YouTube with a budget more than 20 mill. And they're all fan made short movies!!! Why? Just why? You spoiled the whole franchise with the last one, so why continue in this direction? Why not make a decent movie? A movie that will at least make the fans happy. I really don't know what to say, but if you're a fan then watch it just to know how they ruined it but more than that you'll find nothing, nada, zero!!! Nothing else to say, I think you get the idea.
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Would watch again
sshewitt-3891714 September 2024
This movie does not have the best dialogue or acting but it does have some great moments. There were times when the acting made me cringe while other times it was just a messy plot. Some scenes dragged the story on when there could have been some decent action! BUT I found the crooked man had more creepy, spooky and supernatural references/images than the last messy reboot. This actually had a more demonic and dark feel/look to it and didn't make me want to scratch my eyes out like I thought I would. The actors also played a big part in adding to the scenes and I'm happy they went ahead despite the critics. Overall I would watch this again. Hope that helped :)
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"Hellboy: The Crooked Man" is a pathetic film, one of the worst ever made in the history of cinema, an insult to the most passionate film buffs.
jp_9121 September 2024
"Hellboy: The Crooked Man" is a terrible film in many aspects, the script has a dull beginning, and then moves on to a gloomy story about witches, achieving gothic cinematography and setting, but the story decides to touch on several supernatural themes such as satanic pacts, demons and even zombies without forgetting the witches, the result of this mix of characters from beyond the grave is pathetic. The level of production declines as the minutes pass, the cinematography becomes terrible, the digital special effects are totally fake and look like those of the difect-to-video films that were released from the mid-2000s to the beginning of the '2010s. The costume design is not in keeping with the 1950s, which is the decade in which the film is set, making it laughable. The director's work is one of the worst that has been seen in the history of the seventh art, the performances of the entire cast are tasteless, the music composed for the film goes unnoticed in its entirety and the editing work results in a boring narrative. The only one who has managed to make quality movies about Hellboy is Guillermo del Toro. "Hellboy: The Crooked Man" is a pathetic film, one of the worst ever made in the history of cinema, an insult to the most passionate film buffs.
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A movie made for Hellboy fans
Boni_Net02 September 2024
Hellboy: The Crooked Man is a much smaller movie than its predecessors because of its budget, and that may upset brainless people who are addicted to Marvel's sky beams all the time. The Crooked Man was made for Hellboy fans, the ones who actually read the comics, and it's an extremely faithful adaptation.

For purists, the fact that Hellboy has blue eyes and a not a bright red skin may be upsetting, but I really didn't care. The movie is much more horror oriented and contained than the past ones, and has more ups than downs.

It's a simple story with a simple budget, but it definitely captures the vibe of Hellboy comics. Jack Kesy is great as a Hellboy who doesn't crack jokes or is a spoiled brat like they tried to do in the Del Toro movies. The rest of the cast is pretty great, I personally enjoyed the actors who played Tom and Effie.

Anyway, if you are a Hellboy fan and liked the comic book (and understand it's a simple story that doesn't require said sky beams and end of the world stuff), don't pay attention to negative reviews or bad rates, they will be mostly complaining about the movie not being Avengers-esque or not having the tone they were expecting from the Del Toro movies. Watch it and form your own opinion.
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Faithful adaptation of chosen source material
ReviewsbyAustinSalameda18 September 2024
Our introduction to Hellboy and possibly most of the general public was the 2004 movie directed by Guillermo Del Toro, which offered the comic book franchise it's push to mainstream. Hellboy felt at home in the hands of Del Toro who went on to spawn a second film 'The Golden Army' in 2008. While both being generally well received and are modest box office successes, a third Hellboy film with both Ron Pearlman (as Hellboy) and Del Toro never came into fruition - instead rebooting in 2019 starring David Harbour as the titular half-demon hero.

To be fair, despite a good performance by Harbour, we were no fans of the action packed and gratuitously violent reboot, - mostly due to the comparative superiority of the first two Del Toro versions that also beautifully handled Hellboy and his peers' themes of othering and self-acceptance, which proved more appealing than doubling the action and blood. The reboot eventually bombed in the box office and was met with generally negative reviews leaving the franchise dormant.

Now 5 years later, on its fourth live action iteration, this Hellboy movie is firstly, the only one with Mike Mignola, the creator himself, with direct writing credits for the screenplay. It is also the most faithful adaptation of it's chosen source material 'The Crooked Man'. It also has the lowest budget out of all the live action films and the shortest run-time clocking at 1 hour and 36 minutes only.

As a fan of Hellboy, this was a very enjoyable watch, especially it's stripped down and claustrophobic feel that stands out against a plethora of explosive and bright blockbusters - these included the three prior Hellboy films. But, with an understandably lower budget, the creature special effects could use a little more polish. We do appreciate the rest of the film prioritizing the use of practical effects.

Jack Kesy who portrays Hellboy, at least for this variant and theme, actually dons the character well. The rest are portrayed as they are in the comics, and it mostly leans on how people like the source material - which is great for us, but may leave much to be desired for the general viewer.

Perhaps if this was the first Hellboy film, then maybe there's some leeway for more praise and less negative comparisons to, ultimately still, the better Del Toro films. We would argue however that it is above the overall experience of the 2019 reboot, and it uniquely stands out as a slow burning horror piece where-in you may seem less frightened knowing you have 'Anung Un Rama, Son of the Fallen one' on your side.
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Worst Movie Ever
cjtan-4171515 September 2024
Movie with no content. Impromptu in so many scenes.....suck big time. Saw many viewers left the cinema half way watching. First two episodes kinda cool....althought not hit the top of the box office, even for past many years I still can remember some scenes....

For this can't even understand what's the climax of the movie. Movie was dark and blur most of the time. This the very first movie with urge to leave the theater half way thru. My sons slept at least more than 1 hour.

If this is for the Hellboy comic fans and not for the non fan....at least declare is for comic fan. Really felt being scam.
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myzer-8501721 September 2024
You just ruined Hellboy legacy ... this is the worst hellboy movie ever made. Looks like a scary movie but not scary at all. So many figure has no function to this movie.

You just ruined Hellboy legacy ... this is the worst hellboy movie ever made. Looks like a scary movie but not scary at all. So many figure has no function to this movie.

You just ruined Hellboy legacy ... this is the worst hellboy movie ever made. Looks like a scary movie but not scary at all. So many figure has no function to this movie.

You just ruined Hellboy legacy ... this is the worst hellboy movie ever made. Looks like a scary movie but not scary at all. So many figure has no function to this movie.
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A movie that respects the original comic but it has no enough budget
joacoCritico22 September 2024
I have just watched this movie and it was OK. I have never seen hellboy's movies but I have read comics and I can say that this adaptation is decent. Jack Kesy's performance as Hellboy was good and the moments with crooked man were very scary.

However, the special effects are mediocre, especially the 3D. The action is a bit borring and I would have liked more if it had been more violent. The photograpfy is very lazy and poor. I understand that the budget of this movie was not big but it looks like a B-Class movie sometimes.

In summary, if you like the comics, you will like this adaptation; however, don't expect to be surprised because this movie is just OK.
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Spooky as heck! NOT suited for the masses.
imseeg17 September 2024
This movie crept under my skin, it made me really feel UNeasy and that's the way it's supppose to be with such a genre as this...

The good: from the very start of this movie I felt mesmirized by it's dark and twisted vibe that kept dragging me down in a world of witchess, spells and supernatural events that spooked the heck out of me.

I must applaud the direction, because this story is being styled and photographed and underscored with music in such an organic, yet freaky kind of way that I really felt uncomfortable. Very few movies achieve that kind of effect on me, but this one succeeded in doing just that. Terrific!

Any bad? NOT suited for the masses who might expect a superhero movie with lots of action. This story is all about psychological evil mindtwists and unexplainable freaky powers, but in contrary to many many other movies who try to be mysterious and spooky as well, this movie really made it all look credible, which is a basic necessity for me in order to really get into the story and it's characters.

Probably best suited for a niche arthouse movie audience, because this movie is as bleak and spooky and depressing as heck. Still worth a watch though, but dont expect to come out all cheery and excited, because this is one heavy mother of a movie.
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From Comic book pages to Silver Screen!
marvel_fun10 September 2024
If you got to know the character from Ron Perlman's Hellboy movies, this movie will not please you. But if you are familiar with the comics, the movie will fully satisfy you. I hope we can see Hellboy's single detective adventures like this. There is no need for a high budget.

Those who criticize the gray color tones of the movie should open the Crooked Man comic and take a look, they did the same thing scene by scene. Frankly, I enjoyed it very much. Also Hellboy was very cool Jack did a really cool job with the role.

We need more Hellboy adventures like this maybe with different directors and styles each time.
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Hellboy against the darkness!!
SpyroDungeon7 September 2024
I liked the movie very much, it managed to attract my attention with its B movie structure and increasingly dark, dark and surrealist structure, I watched it in the cinema at full volume, in most scenes my ears literally felt like they were going to explode, the movie did not stop even for a second and constantly introduced us to the action and introduced the fearless character Hellboy. .Personally, I went to Hellboy without knowing anything about it and I liked the movie very much. The occultist structure of the movie and its Evil Dead-like structure will also attract your attention and I have no doubt that you will like it.

If you want to look for a movie, my recommendation in the cinema is Hellboy. Hellboy The Crooked Man is waiting for you with its bloody scenes and occultist structure!
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This is the best Hellboy movie
rafaelodinbjjblackbelt12 September 2024
A true horror film, faithful to the comic book. Perfect script, photography and editing. The character's characterization matches the setting perfectly. It has good sound effects, makeup and practical effects. The supporting characters are well developed. I watched it with my wife, even though she wasn't a fan of the genre, she particularly liked this film a lot. The film is much better than Guilherme Del Toro. It doesn't follow the superhero movie formula, thankfully. I hope there are sequels. As for the performances, they are great. The fact that Hellboy had softer makeup made him more expressive. In the end, the film perfectly delivers what it promises. In the future it will become these cult films, they will look back and see how good it really is.
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A really comic accurate Hellboy
omardomini21 September 2024
It's a really new fresh take on Hellboy actually a comic accurate one and the characters the story it's all just really good and impressive the horror and the action scenes good to see one of the best hellish comic characters get a grownded kind of a story better than the apocalyptic kind of storylines we get in every Hellboy movie, Jack Kesy did a great job as Hellboy he really brought the essence of the character from the comics really comic accurate and a solid story really I didn't get bored one single moment while watching it and the Crooked Man he was a Menace and all the Witchy stuff really great movie overall, it's a movie for Hellboy Comics Fans and don't expect some high Marvelous CGI and that's what made it better *that's all for you* 😈
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Why is there so much hate for this movie?
kaefab22 September 2024
Why is there so much hate for this movie? I will admit Hellboy is not played by Ron Perlman nor David Arbour (which i really liked in the role)

I read a bit about the movie before seeing it, I knew the actress from the resident evil series, but none of the other actors, I saw some of them were in good movies maybe they had small parts.

First off the special effects are quit good, not sure why they get so much negative, if this movie only had a 20 million budget they did something amazing with it.

The story is dark, and its about witches for so odd reason Hellboy and is associate seemed to have fallen in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I wish people would give this movie a fair shake because its not as bad as most make it to me.

I would say remember the Witcher series on netflix its as the same feeling pretty much same FX quality all actors to a great job.

Its not an action movie either but its not as slow pace as all the bad reviews make it to be.

Its a good pace same as all other hell boy movies.

If you do not want to see it in theatres wait for a rental but in the end its a good addition to the hell boy franchise.
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