The movie starts from a depressing scene with the main character having trouble at work with his boss. From there you should normally like the main character or have sympathy but there's neither. Be aware that the main character does 95% of the dialogue.
The second character, Dolly I didn't care about either. She started off with the most hope of any character but then literally becomes lifeless. For most of this movie, it has no real direction or focus. That is until 1 hour, 40 minutes in. Then it quickly just turns bizarre.
This also somewhat qualifies as a pink film. There is nudity, especially with Dolly almost throughout the movie. But their interaction with the main character is more unsettling than erotic.
I don't want to blame the actors. The script is just awful. Some scenes go on a long time without going anywhere. One scene was maybe ten or fifteen minutes but felt like over 30 minutes. This could had been a 15 minute short film and been so much better. But at almost 2 hours, this movie was painful to get thru. I should have taken a friend's advice and quit earlier. Just skip this movie. You've been warned!