When the barkeep sits down at the typewriter for the first time, there is a copy of "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlein next to the typewriter. Heinlein is the author of the short story "All You Zombies" on which the movie is based.
The picture of the Crosby Shoes building in the beginning of the movie is actually a picture of the exploded reactor number 4 from Chernobyl Power Plant which exploded on 26 April 1986.
Many lines of dialogue in the film are copied faithfully from Robert A. Heinlein's source story " '--All You Zombies--'".
Additional Robert A. Heinlein reference: when John is at the store purchasing the typewriter, the saleswoman is holding a 1966 edition of Heinlein's novel "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress".