Dalit burden of being is shown as filmic reality in the least complex way. The slow and violent condescension of Western Ghats Dalits under Gandhian theo-political universality is excellently projected in film with victimized inhabitant subjects facing being as a total social excess, incapable of enjoying it's existence under that reality. This proves that the myth of Indian ontological completeness has an extimate ring filled by Dalit subject's unresolved subjectivity which will always subvert the existence of its ideological burden and symbolic core reminding of it's incompleteness. The film thematically portrays this Dalit pessimism against the backdrop of mother nature being static, cold, oblivious, and unresponsive to human subjectivities under distress which leaves very dark unsatisfactory and unresolved ending with directors intentional comic facet to it, inhabitants leaving the area conceding with the dictates of power hopelessly of a failed rebellion. But this ending shouldn't discourage any Dalit subject. Such hopelessness in fact is a Hope for new political and tactical prospects Dalit subject must imagine under its totalitarian existence. It is actually a cry longing for a free universal subject. Freed of its psycho-sexual and socio-ideological dimensions.