The Machine (I) (2013)
Denis Lawson: Thomson
Thomson : Conscious machines are the last thing we need. Have you any idea how dangerous that would be?
Thomson : Machine, how can we win a war against China?
The Machine : Use an android to infiltrate C.P. and assassinate the paramount leader, the party elders, and the heads of the politburo and discipline commission.
Thomson : Well, why didn't I think of that?
The Machine : When they are all dead, civil unrest will tear the country apart.
Vincent : Okay, I'm now going to remove the restraints for tests...
[the Machine grabs his hand]
The Machine : You smell sweet...
Vincent : [pause] Thank you.
The Machine : For what?
Vincent : You're being gentle.
The Machine : If I wasn't gentle you would break. I don't want to hurt you, Vincent.
Vincent : Good
Vincent : Good, you shouldn't hurt people.
Thomson : Is that binding? Because we 'will' want her to hurt quite a few people eventually.