When I happen to tune into a 'found footage' flick, I typically use the 'back button' within seconds, but for some reason, this one snagged my attention, and then I was quickly hooked right to the end. For lack of a better word, the entire thing had a natural cadence that is lacking in many films with far greater resources than these guys were working with. The dialog was well done, as was the acting. They were totally believable, and I repeatedly found myself thinking that I and my brother could have been saying the same thing and acting the same way. The story was, well, almost secondary, and the effects were comical, but none of that detracted from the character study of two older brothers dealing with a threatening situation while retaining their love and devotion to each other. I give it 8 stars not by of comparison with any other movies, but because I believe these guys are capable of even better, and hopefully this will spur them on to shoot for a 10.