Clearly this show is intriguing, and yet oddly satisfying. With so many screens today displaying (no pun intended) a higher fantasy way of a regular guy from the hood life, it's obvious that Vince Staples hasn't erased the big picture of it all. My advice when watching this series is to remember that even though some may see it as a similar show that's already on the air, you have to realize that every hood, city, state, environment is different. It may look the same, but The Vince Staples Show is from Vince's own perspective on his life... No other show can do it better than him. So no, it isn't similar, it's Vince. A lot of real life choices are shown in each episode from everyday people, which many can relate to. If you're not loving this series because you can't relate to it, that doesn't take away the fact that it is indeed good.
It's good to change it up every once in a while, and this change was needed. Let's take a break from expensive heists that normal guys don't do in the city for trillion dollar diamonds, and bring the reality of the nitty gritty.
The Vince Staples Show is The Next Entertainment Realm of Film!