Last Resort (TV Series 2012–2013) Poster

(I) (2012–2013)

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Fast, pacey, gripping, formulaic yet thought provoking - episode 5 - an amazing ride, don't miss it
samarkant130 September 2012
Its a perfect set up. Brings plausibility to events you instinctively react to as not having much of a chance to come about in the real world - at least one hopes so - yet if the catastrophic eventualities were to occur, what would the world look like and how'd they be handled - questions that can be explored only in a dramatization. Its pretty much the American military stud stereotype - yet its fascinating - and leaves you impatiently waiting to see where will all this go. Where's the dividing line between sworn commitment to authority and the default recoil from it when the authority is itself athwart the principles that sanctified and established it. Makes you wonder, think and leaves you thirsting to find out more.

Episode 1 was a blockbuster. Then this thing meandered. It became more lost resort than last resort. And they got it back with episode 5. You forget the directionlessness of episodes 2, 3, 4. Every theatrical punch is delivered to perfection in 5. Its a crowning moment for a story when it is predictable but you can't wait to see it happening. Impossible odds overcome. Impeccable, unbelievably crafty negotiation. Disaster averted at the very last moment. Critics turned admirers. You enjoy an overwhelming impatience for events to unfold - you know how they will - you know its too ordered, too perfect, unquestionably artificial - what the heck - you don't spend your life on a roller coaster - you get on it to savor the short adrenalin rush - and episode 5 is one amazing ride - don't miss it.
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Started well but lost me
cherold14 July 2021
I really liked this show when it started out. For the first few episodes, I was intrigued by its various mysteries and impressed by a general sense of intelligence. But then, as sometimes happens with me, I began to lose interest. I would watch the episodes, but even though I found them somewhat interesting, my desire to see succeeding episodes began to lessen.

What happened? I'm honestly not quite sure. I think part of the problem was I really didn't care that much about the characters, outside of the captain. I sympathized with their plight, and in many cases understood their actions, and in some cases admired them, but I found them generally a generic bunch rather than living, breathing people.

I also think that even though I found the various mysteries intriguing, I also found them a little exhausting, leaving me on too little solid ground. And I was definitely annoyed by the island bad guy, because he was far more unstoppable than seemed realistic (I don't like unrealistically invulnerable evil people; it's the same reason I don't watch episodes of Bones about their hacker/serial killer).

Whatever the reason, after episode 8 I decided to stop watching. Even when I heard it had been cancelled, and had managed to resolve itself by the end, I just didn't feel like watching the final five episodes to see how it turned out.

I wish I had a better explanation for how I went so quickly from, wow, this show is awesome to, I just don't care. It's just one of those things.
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This is a Sci-Fi show. Enjoy, don't expect accuracy
qck124 November 2012
A lot of the reviews for this show seems to expect accuracy. Come on, how much fiction involving the military is accurate even when it is a central part of the story. I have read enough military fiction to know that it is horrible as far as accuracy. How many times do you see thousands of bullets fly at the hero and yet is not hit. This is the reason I do not read contemporary military fiction, it has little to do with reality, and TV is worse. This show is very tongue in cheek, and so why expect accuracy, any more than James Bond. Come on, they wanted to come up with a scenario that was extremely unlikely. Attacking Pakistan is about as unlikely as any, yet can come up with a weak rational to make it somewhat believable. This is a Sci-Fi, and should not be taken seriously, any more than faster than light travel. After all what is a nuclear ballistic submarine doing picking of a seal team. Also, what is a submarine doing with enough ordinance and uniforms to look like a combat team? The accuracy of submarine operations is not central in this show. If you have a nuclear submarine you can stay underwater for a hell of a long time, and have plenty supplies to do that. Police shows are horrible in their accuracy, yet people accept it despite the fact that they are supposed to be quite serious. Then there are the White House based stories.

The show actually has a pretty interesting story with lots of twists and turns. It is a great setup for conspiracies, and there is a good bit of action. There is also the issues of the crew dealing with their loyalties, the islanders dealing with being cut off from the world because of the submarine. I find it an interesting story. Compared to the TV show Revolution, it is so much more accurate and interesting.
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Don't Let This Show Die, It Is AWESOME!
ozfan-122 October 2012
I started watching this show on my I-Phone ABC television app during my lunch break at work. I was floored by the action and excitement of the show. Even on that tiny screen the drama was palpable, so much so I was nearly late going back to work. I am totally impressed with this show. All of the characters are interesting and the cast is excellent. This is a show that keeps my interest and I look forward to the next episode. Unfortunately, the ratings have not been very good and there is a good chance it might not last the season. I URGE my readers to watch this show. I don't think the networks give shows like this a chance. Even I would probably have overlooked it had I not committed to reviewing all the new fall shows. I am not drawn to military drama but this show is not just military drama. There is intrigue, romance, conflict and much more. ABC does have a winner here and I encourage them to stick with this show. WATCH IT!!!!
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Great Show, Bad Time Slot
patrib-28-5178626 October 2012
The show is great, a little mystery, some action. I only wish that they wouldn't have this show on at the same time as The Big Bang Theory and 2.5 Men. Those shows are going to kill the ratings to this show. Why would they want to compete with these shows that have been the top shows for some time.

Anyway, I believe that this show helps show us the reality that may happen someday. A futuristic military comprising of more women on a US nuclear submarine and what can happen when the crew is tested. Military sub movies are great, so why not have a show based on a submarine? The submarine looks very real and professional and it seems like a lot of time was put into creating this show. The captain is a great actor that adds to this show.

I recommend seeing this if you haven't yet, but you may end up having to watch it online with again the poor choice of time slot.
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Absolutely brilliant!!!
jandkduncan2 February 2013
I am really enjoying the Last Resort - I am on the edge of my seat when watching every episode. It has really been keeping me guessing what is going on and all the double dealing is great!! It is so up to date by using the problems in the world around basing the series which adds to the realism of it and which could possibly happen. The added bonus of course is Scott Speedman who looks very handsome in his naval uniform!!! I am really disappointed that it is not coming back for another season and will be cancelled after 13 episodes. What is the matter with the makers of TV series in America? This is not the first series that I have enjoyed which then gets cancelled and I am positive it wont be the last either!!!
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overly melodramatic, lacks authenticity
russmillerwy-957-68243912 October 2012
Once I heard the concept and saw the trailer, I was fired up to see this show. Unfortunately, it's disappointing so far (after 3 episodes). Every scene is an overly melodramatic crisis with ultimatums, shouting, or pontificating clichés. The show's greatest strength is its casting. Andre Braugher and Scott Speedman are up to the task, if only they had better writing to work with. I keep finding myself wishing that if only such-and-such or such-and-such character didn't exist, I would be a lot less annoyed with the tedium they bring to the plot. I'm up to four of those characters now: the Chief, the desperate wife, the lobbyist (or is she a prostitute?), and the generic dumb sub crewman #1 (or #4, or #15, take your pick, they're all pretty dumb). At its most irritating, the show's writers have a very superficial and outdated understanding of modern submarine warfare and, more embarrassingly, military culture. Depth charges? Really??? What about what they really use to fight subs since the 1950s, like ASROC and anti-sub torpedoes? Battlestar Galactica, space opera scifi that it is, did a much better job of describing authentic soldiers and sailors and putting them in plausible combat situations. It's as though the writers were children playing with toys in the backyard and putting it on film for us. So why did I give it a six? Because I still have hope they'll get better material to work with, and because The Shield was operating on a much higher level.

Update: after 8 episodes, it's bad. Too many plot holes. Too many clichés and stereotypes. Too many stupid characters. I hope to see some of the cast in better things in the future, but I also hope never to watch anything else these writers make in the future. They should pursue other careers.
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This Promises To Deliver Excellence
zack_wall2 October 2012
I just finished watching the very first episode on Hulu tonight, and was quite blown away. This is an action-packed, thought-provoking, intense and extremely well-done show. The level of acting is superb, and the plot offers many twists and turns while leaving the audience with a giant cliffhanger for the next episode to begin answering. Great start to the season, and I absolutely cannot wait for more. If I were in the Navy, I'd want this Captain in charge of my boat, that much is certain. It also begs the question; what would you do in his situation? If you were thrown under the bus by your own nation, how would you react? This is an excellent addition to this fall's television lineup, and judging by the ratings, I'd say that many others agree with me. You can bet I'll be tuning in until the show's conclusion, which hopefully will be a long ways away from now.
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So far exciting and interesting enough not to sink
phd_travel10 November 2012
This military TV series is about a nuclear submarine leader who takes rebel action after refusing to take part in a preemptive strike against Pakistan. He and his team take over an island base and a standoff begins. After 6 episodes of this show I think it is a diverting and moderately exciting action drama with some grand conspiracy elements.

There are some pretty tense moments so far. Some aspects of the story are not that convincing but that's to be expected given the premise. While they do flash back home for some scenes unless the story can take some new direction it's getting a bit claustrophobic on the island. Things need to move more quickly and broadly because the infighting is getting tired. Hope it doesn't go the way of "Terra Nova".

Scott Speedman is the most well known cast member. He is watchable but his gentle demeanor is a little at odds with the role. Andre is a convincing leader. Camille de Pazzis isn't too attractive as a potential love triangle interest. Daisy Betts as the female lieutenant is earnest looking. Some of the other supporting actors from down under like the pan Asian islander and the navy seal are a bit out of place. Nice to see Autumn Reaser from O.C. as the mainland protagonist.

Overall there is some potential to last but drawing the viewers in really depends on having interesting stories that avoid the ludicrous or tedious and aren't drawn out too long. A submarine isn't that interesting after a while. Some more familiar guest stars might help because most of the cast are not too well known.
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Finally i can watch something again since "24" finished
drazenpranjic888 October 2012
All i can say is don't listen to this people who say anything bad about this show. Just watch it and then decide. If you love action and adrenaline rushes like i do you will LOVE it! This is by far the best show out there now. Why i say that because if something like big bang theory and other crap shows can be on top then this here will be Godlike. Forget also about this reviews saying its not realistic...its much more realistic then it isn't. This is the only way you will get adrenaline rushes anything more "realistic" would be to boring. After watching the show i just feel good and i am sad that there isn't a captain like this one for real, because there are a lot of bad guys out there trying to destroy our world.
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Good show, fun to watch, wouldn't miss it but...
ebhickey-551-83667710 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Like the story line. Biggest problem with this show is an almost complete lack of respect to seniors by enlisted's. SEALS are Navy men and subject to the very same rules, regulations and military courtesy expected of any sailor.Even in McHale's Navy there was more respect than shown here. In this series the SEALS seem to be apart from the Navy and do whatever they please. The chain of command appears to almost non existent. The Chief of the Boat (COB) is completely insubordinate to the Captain, a senior naval officer. The crew acts like the navy is a democracy, which it isn't The story line is pretty good and if the above discrepancies were cleaned up (get a naval adviser on the set) this show could go places. I am still confused why the US government felt it had to sink the Colorado instead of just allowing it to make port and arrest the crew for disobeying a firing order. Seems drastic to me. It is not shown why it is imperative that the Colorado be sunk.
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Great Entertainment.
matthewhutchings00711 October 2012
For pure entertainment value this is one of the best new TV series there has been in a long long time. I loved the pilot and loved the second show. Yes there will always be critics due to the fact there are some errors, but its a dramatic TV series. If they made everything too realistic it wouldn't be great entertainment which this is for sure. The characters are all great in their individual roles but Andre braugher who plays the captain is extremely good. My one worry for the show is that what was shown in the first 2 episodes could have been spread out over around 4 or 5 so if they can produce enough material to the same standard then this show will be one of the best. No i have never been in the navy or ever plan to be so several things may be far from how a sub would actually operate, however 98% of the people watching will be like that so it is best to appeal to the masses. I even watched the pilot twice it was so good.

Is this show gonna win any realism awards? NO Is this show gonna win any entertainment awards? YES, if it the rest of the series is as good as the first two episodes.
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Novel concept for a show but slightly flawed
Maniac-97 December 2012
I really like the idea of having a rogue U.S. submarine who refuses orders and decides to dock on an island when it's obvious that there decision would make them very unpopular amongst those who sent them that order. The show will only get about 13 total episodes to tell it's story and maybe if they lasted till the end of season 1 they would've been able to keep it fresh for that amount of time. But the show's concept doesn't lend itself well to a long term series.

Andre Braugher as always is great as the ships captain. Not so big on Scott Speedman, I kind of would've preferred his former cast mate from Felicity Scott Foley who was great in another Shawn Ryan series The Unit to have had his role as the ships X.O. Robert Patrick as always is great as the ships Chief of the Boat. Autumn Reeser who's been in stuff like Entourage and No Ordinary Family is good in her role as one of the people who helped design the submarine.
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Spoiler ALERT - Watching this show will spoil your viewing pleasure!
talltreetimber20 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting with anticipation for this series. At last, a show that has a true Tom Clancy feel about it. That is it was until I watched it.

I understand that writers can take artistic licence especially when it comes to jam packing drama into 45 minutes. The obvious victims of this licence however is the attention to detail and the plot.

Whilst I don't expect absolute accuracy, I would prefer the writers don't think their audience are complete idiots. There were holes in the plot that you could pilot Red October through and the script must have been scribbled in crayon as I don't think the writers would have been old enough to use an ink pen.

They had something that could have been great but they turned into to a military flavoured ( loosely used term) Days of our Lives.

*SPOILER ALERT* Where was the discipline of the sailors, why were the officers never on board, you can nuke you're own country but a two bit hood can't be dealt with, why were civilians in charge of a NATO outpost in the Pacific, why was the CO always crying and flying off the handle. I would expect more emotional stability from a person who is in charge of nuclear weapons, why was a White House aide allowed to make strategic decisions ( in fact her character had the most balls of the whole cast) and where the hell was the President in all of this.

This show due to its lack of fundamental research has not only damaged the brand of the US Armed Forces but it also further demonstrates the growing contempt that the writers have for the viewing public.
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Best show in a long time
fugate_football19 October 2012
This show is, honestly, the best that I've seen since Firefly. To be honest, the storyline is somewhat similar (a captain and crew going rogue against an oppressive government). There are a LOT of facets to the storyline, so don't be surprised if you feel lost at some point. Bottom line it, though, trust the producers and writers. They will bring all of the plot lines together into cohesion given time. And that's exactly what they need: time. Like Firefly, this show should not be cancelled soon (even though it's on the bubble) because these things won't be resolved quickly. Cancellation would mean never-ending cliff-hangers. If you like the show, support it! We can't let it be taken away by the TV moguls. Anyway, I'm excited to see such a well-acted, brilliant show on network TV for the time being.
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Not a war movie an excellent show
obu_timo10 October 2012
Saved this show to DVR was expecting some kind of war movie which I really wasn't interested in, Figured give a shot since a new series.

Boy was I surprised took off right from the start and I was mesmerized WHat a start. Not really a war movie--but a conspiracy and action movie

The start has the captain given the impossible task of launching nuclear warheads on Pakistan because US interests have been fired upon by Pakistan. The captain before going through with the launch checks to see what is happening on the US homeland. From his TV on board he sees everything normal What to do

This is one show that deserves to be renewed based on the first 2 episodes. I cannot give justice to this show unlike any other I have watched. I thoroughly enjoyed Breaking BAD and would put this on a par with it.
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Was my Last Resort for TV shows, became my first after watching the pilot
Ahmad_Lasto29 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Last Resort is a mystery TV show that talks about a crew of a submarine that gets the orders to nuke Pakistan, however those orders came from a not-much-secured line which made the Captain suspect the order. When he questioned the orders he faced his submarine getting attacked by another US submarine. This put the crew in the front lines of a nuclear war which made them stand up to themselves and ready to fire 18 nuclear missiles against anyone who attacks them.

The show reminds me of Jericho; the mystery, the nuclear weapons, and the drama. The action is not much anticipated in this series, although i would like to see the Navy SEALS prove how they captured Bin Ladin and earn their reputation. So far only the pilot has been out and it looks very promising. The crew of the submarine has resided on an island and parked their submarine on the shores of this island; making the island their 'last resort' i presume, hence the Captain said "This might be our new home" at the end of the pilot. I hope the show gets better and better or even just stay at the same rate of Awesome it has now. On the other hand, i really do not need more shows to watch.
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Genius wrapped in mediocrity.
jarmo-puskala3 July 2013
Last Resort could have been one for the ages. An epic drama of ordinary people far away from home unwillingly becoming the pawns in a global game for influence. All set in front of a backdrop of the United States government loosing it's moral imperative and Pax Americana coming to an end.

It could have been the show to capture the zeitgeist of the times, like X-Files and 24 before it. And it could have been an amazing drama.

It was so close, but it just wasn't quite good enough. To be fair, the fight was probably lost the moment it was picked up by ABC. This is a show that should have been on cable or online to become all it could have been.

As it is, it's a show worth watching, but I don't remember another show that would have made me so frustrated at the sheer genius wrapped in mediocrity.
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Great show
taurusbbe5 October 2012
From the first episode of the show I couldn't help but count the days when the next episode would air. I know most people would think its not really what one would do in a real life scenario but TV shows and movies this days are based on facts vs fiction. Stop criticizing the show and just enjoy it.

The acting is also great. Would love to have such a captain in my sub any day anytime. I think it will really be a great show with the action, suspense. I just can't help but wonder what would happen if the government pushes to the edge. I think it will be a great show all in all but its just my opinion.
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Did well on a limited budget
Kiwi_Bloke13 March 2013
Just finished watching the first season. Overall the concept and plot were actually very good. The execution was OK given that the budget was probably limited. The acting was a let down in some episodes. Also for a plot that spanned an island in the middle of the ocean to Washington to Pakistan somehow managed to be very limited in breadth. Washington was limited to various rooms in buildings were discussions were held and somehow seemed narrow. St Helena was sufficient but we saw very little of the other forces at play except for bits here and there. It was mostly focused on the various challenges the crew of the USS Colorado faced on the Island while dealing with a hostile home government, with a side plot in Washington that grew as the season went on. If the show had the budget it deserved I believe it could have been exceptional. 6 out of 10 for making it on a a limited budget.
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Great Drama
lscenna19 October 2012
Television is about fantasy and this drama takes it to a wonderful and exciting new level. I Can't wait to see how the plot thickens! Last Resort is an intelligent and well written drama that has such amazing actors who I've been fans of for years. I've been a fan of Scott Speedman since Felicity. And what show doesn't excel with the great talents of Andre Braugher. I highly recommend it for those who loved JAG, Lost, and Law and Order. My husband and I agree that it is a total mix of Hunt for Red October and Crimson Tide. It raises the big question...what if this really happened. I wish On-Demand had future shows! I can't stop from being on the edge of my seat.
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Saturday Matinée Stuff
mi_beastmaster17 November 2012
I watched season one and had to say that it was fairly enjoyable. OK, a lot of the scenes are a bit unbelievable, and some of the acting was laughable, but on the whole it was enjoyable and entertaining to watch. A little "Matinee like" in nature. Kids might like it.

The action scenes are enjoyable and realistic, but alas, they are few and far between. What you get is a few action scenes, followed by the usual dialogue of o.m.g. what will happen next? Will we be attacked by the Government Again? What action shall we take next?

Definitely worth a look if you are stuck for something to watch, but otherwise there are lots better series to watch and if you enjoy a roller coaster ride from start to finish, keeping you on the edge of our seat then look elsewhere.
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Why this show was cancelled
maddiefinch775 April 2013
Why was this show cancelled - I have no freaking idea. It had it all: a brilliant cast, an exciting story line, a great setting and immediacy. Typical for Shawn Ryan's creations it is a mind bender, operating in the grey areas of morality and therefore making it hard to tell who are the goodies, baddies or the just plain crazies. The performance of Andre Braugher as Captain Marcus Chaplain needs to be congratulated and even the casting of veterans like Robert Patrick and beauties like Australia's Dichen Lachman weren't enough to get the ratings. Lucky for the fans, the cancellation was in sight early enough to allow writing of a proper ending and tying up of all lose ends. If you like your shows with real characters, human conflict and unwavering heroes - this is one for you.
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Interesting, if not convoluted premise. Uneven execution.
skay_baltimore1 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was curious to see what all the hype surrounding Last Resort was all about, so when it popped up for free viewing on Netflix I gave it a shot. When it was all said and done, I found some of the shows (or parts of shows) to be interesting, and others to be totally off the wall. The same with the acting. Andre Braugher was the best, IMO (except when he grimaced and bared his teeth; that's an image I'd like to get out of my head forever), and it was a real mixed bag after that. Daisy Betts was okay -- slightly reminiscent of Jennifer Garner in Alias (which is not a good thing in my book), but better. I'm not a big fan of Dichen Lachman, either in Dollhouse or Last Resort. And Scott Speedman's performance/role went increasingly downhill as the series raced to the finish line. (The rest of the cast is more or less forgettable.) All in all, I found the series somewhat entertaining, but I understand why it got canned -- it's just not that good.
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Plot holes you could drive a nuclear sub threw
anthonyparra22 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Have the writers of this series ever been on a Submarine? I had high hopes and was looking forward to the first episode but was hugely disappointed.

O.k First beef, The opening scene is the Submarine retrieving a team of Navy Seals. The submarine in the story is a ballistic missile sub a Ohio class SSBN. The whole point of a SSBN is to go to deep water and hide so an enemy doesn't know where you are. To risk a strategic nuclear asset when other classes of Submarines are well suited for it is just ridiculous. Just add insult to injury they are attacked by another US Sub which must have been nearby and much more suited to retrieving a Seal Team.

Second - US Warships are "Dry" so no alcohol. Even if it was allowed a Captain in charge of nuclear missiles would never give the exec a drink of scotch when at any minute the order may come to launch.

What the hell is a "NATO" communication site doing in the middle of the Indian Ocean? And even if did exist left unguarded! Sending B1 Bombers to bomb a nuclear submarine? That's equally ridiculous. One they are totally unsuitable for sub hunting and a SSBN could easily avoid then by simply diving. No way for a B1 to track a submarine and they could just slip away. Even a dedicated anti submarine aircraft have trouble finding a SSBN if it doesn't want to be found.

The characters themselves seem to have written to a formula of Gruff older navy types surrounded by "Beautiful" male and female young officers (You can see the writers already are going for the sexual tension between the young officers)One the opening scenes for one of the female characters was in her in her underwear that must have purely been put in to excite teenage boys.

The series is utter tripe of the worst type and if you want to watch a series or movie about potential nuclear war or submarines go rent Crimson Tide or as bad as it was "The hunt for Red October".

I understand this series was canceled as it bombed in the ratings. I just wished it had bombed earlier.
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