U.F.O. (2012) Poster


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Wants to be the next MONSTERS, but it's more like an Asylum "mockbuster"
filmnut14 January 2013
Starring the offspring of iconic actors and boasting an appealing poster and a decent trailer, my expectations for the low budget British movie U.F.O. (not to be confused with the long forgotten Roy Chubby Brown vehicle from 1993) were high.

Two Seans, Brosnan (who looks and sounds quite a bit like his father Pierce) and Pertwee (son of Jon), share the screen with one of Jean- Claude Van Damme offspring and several unknowns, plus there are spaceships and fight scenes. Sounds like a real feast for exploitation movie fans. I was excited and I guess a feeling of disappointment was inevitable.

The problem is all in the execution. Sharing more in common with the all mouth and no trousers sci-fi "mockbusters" made by prolific schlock peddlers The Asylum than Gareth Edwards' similar but superior MONSTERS (2010), Dominic Burns' film makes all the wrong moves.

The problems are clear right from the start. A string of scenes that fail to engage and just go on for ages. The opening credits run over a long sequence in a nightclub which is interminable. Scene after scene is overlong (including a gratuitous sex scene) and too often the film is stylistically indulgent. The camera swings and sways and pans round and round but it doesn't make the scenes anymore interesting. There are also irritating insert shots that attempt to foreshadow the terrible things to come.

As tedious as it is ambitious, U.F.O. is as unimaginative as its title. Extremely derivative (there's a sense of déjà vu about each scene – right up to the closing moments), it takes forever to get going but then can't quite decide on a direction.

This is one of those films about a bunch of ordinary people who find themselves amid extraordinary circumstances. In this case the chaos of an alien invasion. But even after a huge spaceships appears, a lot of the film just involves spending time with an unappealing ensemble of characters talking about the situation and other things and not actually doing anything interesting. The focus is often on the crumbling of society rather than the aggressive actions of aliens but it's not involving.

When the characters do take some action and the director throws some physical conflict into the mix it all gets confusing rather than exciting. Martial artist Joey Ansah appears in a small role and fans won't be surprised that he gets to have a pretty cool fight scene, but when it happens it seems like things have shifted gears too quickly. The context for the fight is not well established so it's hard to care about what's happening. It's more confusing than exciting.

Sean Brosnan is the film's lead and fares pretty well as he's essentially still unknown. Sean Pertwee on the other hand has a number of good roles in high profile films behind him, so to see him essentially reprising his crazy act from the doomed TALOS THE MUMMY (Russell Mulcahy, 1998) in a couple of short scenes in a film this poor is somewhat depressing. Perhaps more so than when we see what Van Damme is asked to contribute.

This film's major selling point is that extended cameo from Van Damme. Something spoiled not only by the post and credits, but by a quick, out of context shot of the star moments into the film. Other shots follow periodically until his character actually joins the others late in the film.

Van Damme's appearance in this film is very curious, but alongside numerous direct-to-DVD movies the star has made supporting appearances in a number of films in various countries. He's been in Turkish, French and recently Russian films (none of which have been released in the UK yet). His glamorous daughter has her first big role as the nominal lead actress and I guess she or the producers convinced him it would be a fun opportunity for the two to work together.

Bianca Bree is usually only seen in very minor roles in her father's films (along with her brother who usually gets more screen time) but here the roles are reversed. This is indeed a novel facet to U.F.O. that fans will enjoy, especially in the final act when Bree finally gets something to do and we get to see Van Damme for more than a fraction of a second, but that in itself is not enough to make the film fun and to be recommended. Fans who endured DRAGON EYES (John Hyams, 2012) may want to avoid this as it's not much better.

The final issue I had with the film is that it didn't quite know how to end. There are several twists, each taken from other films, and one final turn of the screw and then it's all over. Which is a relief.
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An ambitious and confusing yarn, made within it's means
Dr_Sibilance16 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike the cast, crew and various other fake-tanned patrons, I actually paid to go and see this premiere, so you can expect a more objective review than the previous.

I came out of this screening happy, I had a good time which is the main thing.

The movie is apparently being sold as Independence Day meets Shaun Of The Dead, but it fails in being comical enough throughout to earn that tagline. There simply wasn't enough comedy or parody of alien invasion movies.

The movie starts off with a cast of binge drinking characters that we don't know well enough to care about. This immediately disconnected me from all of them because they came across as ASBO awarded yobs who drink as much as they can before jumping into a fight, which, as one of the characters indicates at the start, is the norm.

This thankfully ends and they become more likable later on. However, it's virtually impossible to take Sean Brosnan's role as a ex-Black Ops military man seriously based on the irrational way he behaves at the start, the way in which he speaks to other military men and the ill thought out choices he makes towards the end of the film.

A film should firmly establish it's tone at the start. You need to set up an expectation for the viewer. Unfortunately, this was not handled well for the first 5/10 minutes of the film. Shaun Of The Dead, for example, explicitly sets the tone in the opening titles.

The opening titles of this movie were close ups of women's butts and people grinding in a club to dubstep. It felt self indulgent to the maker and not beneficial to the movie as a whole.

I had to try and not to laugh at parts since we were sitting near the cast and crew, but in hindsight, I feel like I should have been laughing and that I was confused by the tone of the subject matter.

The script wavers from being funny, serious, dramatic, immature and outright adolescent in parts. Sometimes these wavers are done quite well, but a lot of the time it was a little confusing.

Sometimes, these tone changes worked. One example of a dramatic tone change would be a horrifically brutal fight scene devoid of humour, in which a man tries to use a submachine gun on a child, which is then underlined by our lead (Sean Brosnan) doing a comical strut at the end to put his coat on. The audience were in fits of laughter at that point and it was a memorable moment. This was done very well, but it was a lone stitch in a larger tapestry.

There are moments when the film plunges into borderline plagiarism of other movies. I'll give the director/writer the benefit of the doubt that these were homage, they still felt out of place.

For example, a fight scene in a supermarket suddenly becomes a mimic of the famous fight scene in Old Boy which didn't seem entirely suitable at the time. Another example, which felt a lot more out of place, were two moments where Bianca Bree quotes Blade Runner in a monotone way to the main lead.

This later turns out to make no sense whatsoever as she turned out to be an alien. So... an alien that wants to wipe out mankind, but that has an appreciation of 20th century Earth cinema. This was very confusing to me, partly because I still had not determined what the tone of this movie should be. If it's meant to be funny, then fair enough, but it's just not that funny either. These weren't funny lines from Blade Runner either, they were from Roy Batty's death scene.

All those moments... seemed wide of the mark. If you're making a parody of alien invasion movies, what does Blade Runner or Old Boy have to do with it?

One moment that stands out as being particularly awkward was when an old man (that we'd never seen before) just turned up in the street and started reeling off a *lot* of expository dialogue. It went on for a long time, killed the pace of the movie and was poorly delivered. Astonishingly, parts of this speech were repeated in flashbacks later on! This was hilarious, but it seemed unintentionally so.

JCVD makes a welcome cameo in this movie towards the end. He needlessly pops up in flashes for the first half of the film. There were many flashbacks during the first half, but I think they were flashes of the later parts of the movie... so flashforwards? I have no idea, but their relevance was very confusing whenever these popped up.

I'd like to finish with some positive points about this movie. Despite all it's flaws, I felt that the cast and crew put a lot of effort into making a movie that they wanted to make and within the means they had to make it. I never got bored whilst watching the movie, even the old man who reeled off his speech in the middle was mildly amusing.

I was very happy to see JCVD on screen once more, even if for a short amount of time. This movie also has some phenomenal fight scenes. One particular fight in a pharmacy was absolutely brutal and really had me on the edge of my seat, no small feat to pull off. This was right up there with John Carpenter's fight scene in They Live.

I also have to tip my hat towards the makers of this film for actually using explosive squibs for when one guy got shot.

I feel that had the script been way more streamlined towards a parody of alien invasion movies, this would have been a winner.
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A bad film, but not quite as bad as some would make out
bowmanblue26 February 2015
If you check out the other reviews of UFO, it would seem a fair percentage of viewers have given it a critical 1/10, meaning it's probably the worst film ever made. Is it? No, it's not, but that doesn't mean it's particularly good, either.

In fact, when it began, I quite liked it. The characters were nice and the banter between them realistic and amusing. However, the fact is that the idea far exceeds the budget. The titular 'UFOs' only make two appearances in the first hour, leaving much of the setting in people's living rooms. The story focuses on the effects on the everyday population at seeing giant UFOs hovering above the cities (when you start to see a bit more of the aliens near the end, there's a definite resemblance to the Skyline monsters). The director tries to make up for this by long rambling scenes which don't really go anywhere, plus (attempted) 'cool' camera angles where the camera rotates around people and is placed at funny angles. However, when the setting is simply someone's kitchen, it's about as stylish as waving a camcorder around in your Nan's house.

Many people have criticised the acting talent on display here. It didn't bother me that much. Sean (son of Pierce) Brosnan is the star and puts in a good performance and everyone seemed to play their parts accordingly (what else do you want/expect in a low budget B-movie?).

Perhaps what most people hate about this film is the way it's advertised (and ignore the not-so-subtle posters for 'Airborne' by the same director). If you look at the UK artwork to support it, you may be duped into thinking it's some sort of Independence Day style action romp, starring Jean Claude Van Damme. However, the 'muscles from Brussels' is only in it for about ten minutes and his part is little more than a cameo (some of which he doesn't even feature in the same shot as other actors, making it look like he filmed his scenes on his own somewhere in Hollywood).

I can't really recommend this film, even though it's not quite as bad as some are making it out to be. If you like B-movies, then there's better about. Sadly, what could have been a decent little B-movie never had the right budget to really live up to its promise.
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Absolute dross
colin_price6412 March 2013
I have never written a review of a film before.....but this film was so bad it should carry a government health warning! It was neither funny or scary, the special effects were of 70s standard and the acting was that wooden that Pinocchio would have been been the stand out actor.

I would say that I didn't want to spoil the end by revealing it but it did that very nicely itself...

The highlights were the girls in the movies who were easy on the eye but the dialogue and the acting was of level worse than I have witnessed or wish to do again....JCD whatever you were paid to appear in this movie..it wasn't enough.

A cameraman who couldn't point straight it was like a very bad home movie...... AVOID! AVOID.......AND JUST TO BE CLEAR ....AVOID!
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sotlord4 May 2013
OK, what the hell did I just watch? What is this crap?

Those who gave it high score, were on drugs. This movie doesn't deserve more than 1. It makes school plays I was on elementary school seem Star Wars-level compared to this.

So, it's about UFO invasion on England............. and it's not about UFO invasion. Seriously, the beginning is TERRIBLE: we see a bunch of people being in a club drinking, dancing etc. and then going to home and having sex, while there is an implication about UFO.

The acting was bad, the script is terrible, the dialogues are badly-written and badly-executed from the actors, who are very unlikeable and pretty much the whole thing is a big mess and I couldn't stand the directing and the camera shots, being all moving and making me feel dizzy. And how in the unholy name of the Great Old Ones did Van Damme got himself into this mess? Really slow time 'till the next Expendables, hmmmmmmm, monsieur JC?

I could say that this is close to "The Room" in terms of awfulness, but with "The Room" you can a crapload of laughter from its awfulness and make jokes about it. But this doesn't even make you laugh. It makes you sick and disgusted from you see. This is one of those moments that movie piracy can save you and your money.

Also, to the people who say that Sci-Fi doesn't need very good visuals and CGI and such: yes, you need them. Not Cameron's Avatar-level, mind you, but Sci-Fi is a genre that DEPENDS on good visuals. This isn't the 60s anymore where you had cheap-looking costumes and plastic masks and gloves and call it an alien. I remember renting a movie with friends from the video store, after university, called Alien Raiders. And even though that movie is bad, it has some entertainment value that is good to watch with friends, with pizza and Coca-Cola and make fun of it. This one makes you stop the movie and watch Mars Attack!, War of the Worlds (not the stupid Spielberg one), the old V, The Thing, Final Fantasy The Spirits Within and have more fun.

This one doesn't deserve to be downloaded via torrents at all.
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Worst Film Ever?
gtir811 January 2013
Has to be a candidate for the worst film ever, the cast have no acting talent at all, the script has more wood than the Amazon and the pace of the film is slower than a Trabant.. total waste of eight pounds that the DVD cost. The film preview on the back of the DVD claims to be about UFO's yet the first half of the film contains none or seemingly anything leading up to them. Just some talentless "actors" going through some Shakespeareanesque wordy scenes seemingly trying to make the film look arty. (probably pushing things to actually call this rubbish a film) If your looking for entertainment go paint your shed or something. It will be far more entertaining than this dross.

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First came monsters vs aliens, then cowboys vs aliens NOW we have British Lager Louts vs Aliens
aelthric11 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It is a mystery how casting managed to recruit some excellent actors to perform in this steaming heap...

Of the entire garbage we see about 5 - 10 minutes of JCVD so that is pretty much a cameo and not a starring role, the same with Sean Pertwee so how did they get talked into performing in this pointless tripe? It seems at times that only 20 minutes of film was produced as the same clips are shown at least twice and the editor just chopped out random pieces and copy pasted them randomly through the film..

If the continual moving camera was meant to add an edginess to this garbage I have to say it failed abysmally and in fact at times looked more like the cameraman was so blind drunk that someone had to continually keep pushing him upright as in his drunken stupor you can see he is continually falling sideways...

To The Idiot that wrote this steaming pile I would like to point out that whatever EMP can knock out the National Grid will also knock out vehicles and mobile phones so when we see people driving around in cars / vans / military vehicles your whole premise of an alien EMP knocking out electrics makes no sense and for crying out loud don't show someone watching video footage taken on a mobile phone because they too would be fried...

To the movie industry, is it any wonder that file sharing is alive and well when you expect people to part with their hard earned cash for garbage like this? As for the ending.....POINTLESS
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Truly horrendous
doorsscorpywag11 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The first half hour is a turgid introduction to a bunch of people who will try to survive the British Independence Day. Unfortunately after this first half hour you will be so bored out of your skull you won't really care who dies or how.

About half way through the lights have gone out and Sean Pertwee appears as a crazy tramp type person who babbles some unfathomable pseudo religious drivel to the hero of the film and turns out to be the smartest person in the whole sorry mess.

Suddenly a really bad model of something rejected by Star Wars appears in the sky over some Yorkshire town and everybody goes mental. The British Army turn up in the form of two blokes with a bazooka and seemingly wearing trainers. Then we end up at JCVD's house and find out aliens are amongst us then we have a bit of kick boxing and then I think the aliens win.

With a script so threadbare it is almost invisible, acting talent that would not trouble an amoeba and special effects even Blue Peter would blush at this codswallop retails at 10 pound in my local shop.

It's about time there was a law against this tripe even being made let alone allowed to be placed on a shelf in a shop. Be very wary of the positive reviews here. Be warned this film is not even good enough to be described as 'rubbish' it is some kind of sub genre even worse.
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This "movie" is merely a horrible soap opera disguised as an invasion flick.
derek-a-charette10014 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be honest... I only watched this movie past 10 minutes because the blonde chick is gorgeous. So in a movie titled Alien Uprising, released in 2014, in the age of highly advanced CGI and visual effects, your expectations would likely include: A short 10-15 minute beginning to develop a character or two; followed by a scene that would immediately instill fear, panic, or suspense; great realistic visual effects or the aliens or their spacecraft; the presence of military; a majority of scenes with a lot of action and aliens that scare the s*** out of you; a group of people staying together that run away, organize, plan to fight, and or fight, things exploding; effects of highly advanced weapons maybe; etc. Well, if you expected that, you are sadly mistaken, as was I! This excuse of a movie lollygags around for almost half an hour with a bunch of idiots getting drunk, having sex, and arguing with their girlfriends... oh and even a marriage proposal. There is just one completely ignorant scene after another. Pure stupidity. One of the characters is portrayed to be a "soldier that served two tours in Afghanistan, and is tough as nails who will destroy people", instead he gets beat up and nearly killed by some random cop, while his f*** buddy girlfriend stands in a corner and watches him nearly get killed before doing something to help him, which follows a scene of them having a car accident, and her SERIOUSLY overdramatizing and freaking out because a person is still alive in a mangled car wreck, AS ALIEN SPACECRAFT ARE FLYING AROUND IN THE AIR. Seriously... what kind of person would ever be that stupid?? Trying to save someone who is bleeding to death WHILE an alien invasion is taking place? Give me a break!! I didn't watch an alien invasion movie to see a weak little "soldier" and a cop have a meaningless fight in a drug store, with Matrix-like slow motion fighting scenes! To top it off, the visual effects are beyond horrible, and comparable to visual effects from the early 1990's. This is by far, possibly the Holy Grail of terrible invasion movies. To date, I don't recall ever watching anything worse that this abomination. Please do not support this movie! Every dollar these characters and producers make is putting them one dollar closer to producing another movie!
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Worst movie I have ever watched!!
tonymengela18 February 2013
Please if you value your time to be entertained DO NOT watch this. Seriously the worst movie ever. I am trying to figure out how they even spent what the budget for the movie was. It is a bunch of scenes of pure nonsense, don't be fooled by title as I am not sure where science fiction is. Seriously not good!!!! Apparently I have to have ten lines to review this movie, but how much can you write about something that is this bad? If I was the director I would petition to have my name taken from this used toilet paper of a movie, in fact if this movie was toilet paper it was used many times! What is worse I still have one more line to write about this feces of a movie!
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Chalk one in the win column
milkbottle40001 May 2014
The premise for the movie is great, coupled with a solid performance from Jean Claude van Damme. I would have liked to see more of him but we can't all get everything we want. Though the blow is reduced by having Bianca Bree on screen who is not only talented in the martial arts department but is also stunning.

This film shows that British cinema is on the up and up, so things are heading to a great level.

The film takes a short while to kick in but is worth the wait to see the great visual effects and developing storyline. It was refreshing to see a film tell its story from a non conventional perspective and I felt true jeopardy for every character which is rare in this type of film.

I used to give a movie 15 minutes before I moved on but I'm glad I changed my policy before I saw this.

A solid 8/10 in my eyes, considering its apparent budget. Much Much better than After Earth so that's a point in the win column.
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Good small, low budget Sci Fi film
mike-ryan45526 January 2013
If you want Star Wars spectacle, this isn't it. You will be bored. If you want non-stop action with machine guns and Kung Fu Ninja kick boxing scenes twirling and flying in slow motion every five minutes, this isn't it. You will be bored. If you rate your movies by the quality of the special effects, this one will not be very good in your book.

I enjoyed it. It was a movie about the UFO and aliens coming, but one centering on what is going on in the heads of the typical ditz people who actually experience it. It was a small movie about small people and how their little world completely disintegrated.

Yes, the special effects were something a good amateur could do at home. So what? They were better than the ones on classic Sci Fi movies of a few decades ago. We have higher and higher expectations for special effects now.
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UFO Worst Sci-Fi FIlm Since Attack of Killer Tomatoes
arthurtafero23 April 2013
Where do we begin? This British version of Manchester United Meets War of the Worlds (the original, not the remake)is a complete disaster from the first reel. At first, I thought this was a film project done by a first-year film student, but I soon realized it was much worse than anything a film student has done. The director of this waste of 100 minutes of film, Dominic Burns, has no sense of direction. The actors have no idea how to act, the cinematographer looks like it was his first attempt at filming the prom, Claude Van Dam makes Arnold Schwartzeneggar look like Laurence Olivier, his daughter is even more dreadful than he is as an aspiring actress (must be the genes), and the music is overbearing. Other than that, the film is a huge success.

A bunch of nightclub types pose as protagonists in the film, but after interminable meaningless scenes about them, you begin to root for the aliens to kill them. There is gratuitous sex, mindless violence and gibberish for dialogue. There is no plot per se. Please save your time and money for something a bit more enjoyable; like an hour and a half in the dentist's chair without anesthetics. Plan 9 From Outer Space is a blockbuster compared to this joke. I have seen over 12,000 films and this one easily qualifies for one of the bottom TEN.

Arthur H Tafero Askmrmovies.com
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Just terrible in all senses
TheLittleSongbird29 May 2013
Admittedly I wasn't expecting a huge amount, but seeing as the idea was intriguing and had the ingredients for a fun movie if done right I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. While U.F.O is not the worst movie I've ever seen or one of them, it is one of the absolute worst I've seen this year. If you are wondering whether it is as bad as people are saying, in my mind yes it really is that bad. The whole movie looks as though it was made and edited in a rush, like a matter of days, it is dully lit, the editing is haphazard and unsteady to the point you feel nauseous and the effects look as though the makers had exceeded the time constraint and had to bring forward what they'd managed to do regardless of what they looked like. The music is so overbearing to the point I got a bad headache watching and listening to it, for somebody who has epilepsy it wasn't a good feeling. The dialogue is utter gibberish, it tries to come across as more intelligent than it actually is, almost like an attempted Shakespearean-like grandeur, but it is so stilted to the point it was difficult to get your head round what you were hearing, some of it even sounded improvised on the spot. The story is derivative and dull with nothing suspenseful, involving or thrilling, there's a lot of overlong filler that has little to no point or meaning and it tries to be too many things all at once and delivers it all in awkwardly done tone-shifts. The dramatic "poignant" moments were so mawkish that it'll make anyone want to vomit, some of it would be at home in a badly written soap-opera. You don't care for any of the stereotypical and underdeveloped characters, I usually try to restrain having violent thoughts against movie characters but I admit that I came THIS close to wanting to strangle Carrie. The acting is terrible too, Sean Brosnan lacks charisma and struggles with a character that has been done to death(much better too) and is often senseless, Bianca Bree is supremely irritating and Jean Claude Van Damme is pretty much wasted. Overall, in every sense U.F.O was a terrible movie and one that is best avoided. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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I'd rather die a slow painful death than watch this trash again!!!!!!!
ClayCyr18 October 2014
I made the unfortunate mistake of reading the reviews here before watching the blu-ray I got in the $8 bin. I watched in horror as everything the negative reviewers pointed out was revealed as the ugly truth. The film(?) is so bad it actually deserves a rating of half a star, which sadly doesn't exist on this site's rating system. I understand completely now why the reviewers were beside themselves trying to squeeze out adjectives and metaphors for how bad this piece of cinematic garbage truly is. Spoilers...how can you spoil something that is already rotten? I would rather have spent that $8 on a fast food meal that gave me food poisoning...at least it would have given me some nourishment before my bowel movement. Yes, it is truly THAT bad. I could care less about the $8 I wasted because the worst of it is I will never be able to purge it from my subconscious mind and will have to bear the memory of it till I die.
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would rather do the ironing then watch this again
robrhlphotographylee14 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Well where do you start with such a poor film. poor acting and unlikable main characters. A film that has very little to do with UFO's. don't watch this film if your expecting fights with little green men. I understand the film is more about the breakdown of human society then actual UFO's. however you do kinda wish the aliens would just zap the main characters away just to end the film. some lame slow-mo fighting, wheres the fights seem to of started for little or no reason. I didn't even reach the end of this film before I turned it off. I normally like to watch a film while doing my ironing so i put this on, but to be perfectly honest i'd rather do my ironing in peace then watch this again.
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mblock-132-53594010 August 2019
A multi-million dollar budget and they can't afford a steady-cam? ...or a scriptwriter?
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Waste of time so bad not even a film
lewis-hall-the-great-121 January 2013
Well well well, where do I begin. Let me start with the terrible acting and that is all I has to say about that. The fight scene on the other hand was just painful how on earth the producers and director sit there at the end of the day and say yeah we've done good here we've made a difference well even hitlar made a difference and that was just a bad idea all round wasn't it, I hope everyone who created or was involved in this film are very proud of your lack of achievement and I'm sure your parents are to. I don't know what else I can say about this, I hated it so much I'm shaking with rage right now. I will be losing a lot of sleep over this for the pure fact I have wasted 97minutes of my life, overall an inconclusive end to the film what actually happened??? Please for the love of god don't make a number 2
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evansmikejames2 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Slow to get moving, well over Half the movie is spent building up the characters the low budget is indicated by the lack of extras for Law & Order that eventually breaks down, more a busy sale in New year sales than mass panic.

More like black comedy with a serious edge, biggest waste of £11.00 i spent.

the Actors are good Sean Brosnan is a spitting image of his farther the rest of the cast support the film but this cannot redeem my opinion of a film that had potential however it was made with a low budget and this shows
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Much better then I expected. A better version of Skyline. Van-Damme not really in it for more then 10 minutes. I say B-
cosmo_tiger4 August 2013
"It's over 24:36." After a night out at a bar four friends and a recent pick up head home for more fun. When they begin to lose power and phone reception they cope with it and move on, until they notice something unimaginable. A huge UFO is floating in the sky and an invasion has begun. Going into this I had very low expectations. I know what your thinking, an alien movie starring Jean-Claude Van-Damme...how can you not be excited about that. I am not a fan of his but if you are I should tell you he is in it for about 10 minutes. On the other hand this movie was actually better then I was expecting. The quality wasn't as cheesy as I was expecting and to me this was a better version of Skyline...also with a better ending that that one as well. I'm not saying this is amazing and rush out and see it but in terms of the latest B movies that Van-Damme has been in this is one of the better ones. Overall, much better then I expected. If you liked Skyline then check this one out. I give it a B-.
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I was hoping the aliens killed them all.
specific-948-82307821 January 2020
This movie makes other awful movies look good, that's how bad it is. The characters where so unlikable you wanted them all to die. The dialog -1, acting -1, filming -1, editing -1, directing -1 Waste of time. Not even funny bad, just annoying bad.
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mental mash up!!
adam-kemp12 January 2013
This movie is a RIOT!

It's completely crazy and a total mash up of genres. I reckon the main thing that doesn't work in the movie is that there is too many genres trying to squeeze together in one film that just doesn't have the space to fit in all of them in one place at one time!

It's a shame actually because in fairness each genre is put together really well and once I was aware of whether I was watching a funny bit or a horror bit or an action fight bit I was with it and loving it. Just didn't sit perfectly as a total film. I totally got used to the path we were going down after a while and I just let it ride and once I did that I enjoyed it loads more.

Didn't think a massive thing about the effects, not really up to scratch with the nowadays standards of effects but they only had a small budget. On the other hand, don't make a film called UFO with UFO's flying round everywhere if you don't have enough dollar to make the UFO's look real. But they get a pass from me because JCVD was totally kick ass, the fight scenes were extremely cool and I got a kick out of the film.
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Good but not what you expect
dmarshall201719 January 2013
There seems to be a lot of negativity about this movie and at first I couldn't understand why. This film was shot about 45 minutes from where I live so I have been aware of it for some time. I was interested to see it and on the whole I very much enjoyed it. I think the problem is its title, it's poster and it's trailer, all of which suggest a very much different movie to what UFO actually is. This is a gritty British movie with ambition far beyond its budget and ultimately where it does fail is that it's ambition out weighs its budgets ability to achieve it. I think under a different title, with different advertising and dare I say it, a different actor to JCVD this film would have had a very different response. I would advise watching it with an open mind and without expecting a Hollywood blockbuster. However hard it's she'll attempts to convince you otherwise, Hollywood this ain't!
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pauldonlan-891-76922226 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It began in a promising way, liked the idea and the unusual setting. However there wasn't a lot of acting talent in there. Poor character development and ending. It could have been so much better.

JCVD unconvincing and wooden.

A few predictable fight scenes.

I know what they were trying to do by having Martha Reeves's 'Nowhere to run' in the soundtrack but it made a joke of what was supposed to be a tense scene.

100 minutes of my life I won't get back.

3/10 is generous.
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marcosformoso31 January 2021
Dont waste your time, no history, no Sense. Theo real note like - 10
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