1980s working class Dublin, 2 ordinary brothers, 18 years old and probably never left the city decide to join the IRA... to fight and kill British military, and civilians if necessary, again British people they've probably never even met in their closed off world.
This film is not an investigation into the Troubles, the rights and wrongs, the villains and heroes. It and its characters are indifferent, even ignorant to the war going on just up the road.
This film is a case study in why? Why do young underprivileged men, not just in Ireland do this. What drives them? Who are they? What do they believe, if anything?
And this is what this movie does very well. The script and direction are well considered, the cast are excellent, the production design instead of trying stretch itself badly(which many low budget films are guilty of)it cleverly leans into its micro budget by creating a deliberate nearly claustrophobic and solid low budget world. The gritty cinematography compliments this really well.
A hybrid crime/family drama, It's a good story and good watch. 8/10.