In the scene set in 1968, since Beckenbauer mentioned the European Championship, Brigitte Beckenbauer is holding a newborn baby, obviously Beckenbauer's son Stephan and it is obviously summer weather outside. The real Stephan Beckenbauer was born on 1st December 1968.
The first scenes in the movie are set in 1963 and Franz Beckenbauer said that "Herr Schwan" was praising his game. However Beckenbauer and Robert Schwan, who became his future manager, first met in 1964.
In a street scene in 1977 Beckenbauer and his father are passing a "Camel Filter" poster. The design and the slogan "I will go miles for "CAMEL FILTER" shown in the movie was used in 1969-1971.
The table soccer the team is playing with in 1974 has the label "Made in Czech" on it. The Czech Republic didn't exist until 1992. Until then it should have said "Czechoslovakia".