This could have gone anywhere... it ended up high up on the quality scale. Awkward without being embarrassing and on point with regard to current, political, affairs. Herr Talman successfully punches way above its weight. Fresh, to the point and, as intended, humorous.
Every episode finishes with a "song and dance act", even that part oozes quality. You kinda know you're onto a good thing when you find yourself humming along.
In essence - it's public service performing a public service.
The only drawback... it does characterisation so well you may forget it is satire and form your opinion based on the caricatures - which has, in itself, a lot to say with regard to the palette of electable candidates.
Laugh - it's either that or crying and, on balance, a laugh is preferable.
For obvious reasons Herr Talman only has relevance for those underwhelmed poor souls that actually are faced with the civil duty of electing a Swedish government - by means of picking someone from that lot. In all fairness; the overwhelming task is less painful with a big grin on your face.