79 of 86 found this to have none
No sex or nudity.
A young man tries to kiss a young girl pushes him off.
50 of 60 found this moderate
A man is pushed in front of a vehicle and is knocked down, unresponsive, seen from a distance.
A dead body is seen hidden beneath a coach's floor.
Two men get into a brief fist fight and they repeatedly punch and kick each other. They both have bloodied noses afterwards.
A man is seen dead, seemingly burnt, inside a locked coach.
A man falls out of a train, and manages to pull himself back on, but he is hurt slightly.
Two men get into a lengthy and brutal fist fight that ends when one of them is pushed out of one of the windows and killed.
A man is maced, but he recovers quickly.
PG-13 violence type: blood and brutal.
38 of 69 found this moderate
3 uses of 'hell', 4 uses of 'Goddamn', 3 uses of 'shit', 2 use of 'asshole', 1 use of 'bitch', 1 use of 'bastard', and 5 uses of "oh my God".
1 use of "fuck you", 4 goddamns, 1 use of "Jesus Christ", 1 use of "Jesus".
35 of 48 found this mild
A scene where people are shown drinking.
39 of 51 found this moderate
A corpse is discovered.
A man falls out of the bottom of a train, but survives and manages to pull himself back inside.
The three fight scenes.