My title partly relates to the plot of this short (80 minute) film, but mostly to the only 35 ratings with a pretty low score (a 5 from me means decent and watchable), no reviews and no information at all. I'll do my best to provide some.
Following a mass shooting in France with apparent neo-nazi motivation, a group of people are hosted by an American for a working dinner at a remote country house. Guests include a female politician, who seems to be based on Marine Le Pen but is apparently a shoe-in to be the next president. Main problem: I wasn't clear what the meeting was about. It had both far left and far right participants and I never figured out who the guy with the beard was. Maybe I should have watched the opening setup more carefully. The servants are dismissed and all arrangements are left to super-efficient housekeeper, Alice. Unfortunately Alice has an unsuspected connection to the massacre and is planning something very different for the guests.
Second problem: while most of the movie is in English, maybe 25% of dialogue is in French and I had no subtitles, which didn't help with my general confusion level.
However, the last half of the movie is a fairly straightforward and unusually realistic actioner, well-paced and, I thought, pretty well done. If everything had been made a bit clearer from the off, this could have been a good movie. Even as it is, it's not that bad.