I had somewhat high hopes for this because they brought back the majority of the original cast but this is so disappointing to watch. Even though it has only been one season, this show has been so disappointing and boring I couldn't just sit back and let it go unnoticed. The writing for this show is really terrible. The basic animation style doesn't help the show either. I can only remember laughing hard at two jokes ever. It doesn't have the same tone as the original show even though it's still the same cast. The writing doesn't give the cast the ability to make things funny. The original show allowed the original cast to be really funny because they are a talented bunch of actors. The only thing to blame is the dull and dry comedy, not the cast. I'm not sure if this will get a second season and most likely it will but the writing has to improve. If it wasn't for the original cast coming back, I wouldn't have tuned in at all.