Oblivion (2013) Poster

(I) (2013)

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Oblivion is, personally, one of my favourite modern sci-fi films.
TheMovieDiorama25 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I do believe this is supremely underrated. Now I know I will be in the minority with my opinion, and that's perfectly fine. After all, I gave "Lara Croft: Tomb Raider" a solid nine (loooove it). Anyway, in a ravaged and desolate futuristic Earth a tech team are stationed on the planet to ensure hydro rigs are fully operational before being sent to Titan where humanity currently resides. However, they must battle against "Scavengers" who set out to destroy these rigs and droids. Why? What could possibly be the reason? Well...stay away from the hideous trailer, unfortunately it reveals far too much. So aside from the hideous marketing, this film is incredible. I've seen it a good twenty times and never get bored. Again, I know most of you will disagree with me...but all the ingredients for a thinking sci-fi are there and unequivocally are blended to make a memorable film. This is two for two for director Joseph Kosinski as far as I'm concerned. "Tron: Legacy" is a personal favourite, and so is this. He makes visual audio experiences. The visual effects here are gorgeous, from the clean white architecture to the desolate horizon. Everything looked outstanding, particularly the interior of 'The Tet'. Then we come to M83's soundtrack which is an entrancing piece of synthesised electronic goodness. The two technical aspects compliment each other so well to create, not just a film, but an experience. You guys know me by now, I will always have a soft spot for technically accomplished films. The acting is slightly monotonous, but it works for the environment that they are in. Andrea Riseborough is a personal favourite of mine, she's damn good in everything. The story has plenty of twists and turns, particularly when breaching the Radiation Zone. A few scenes of exposition and narration but not enough to become a detriment to the narrative. Like I said, I'm in the minority...and I don't care, I love this film.
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naysayers are right, but I still liked it
rblaa29 September 2013
Reading through the previous reviews, I find myself agreeing with the negative reviews in one sense, but still disagreeing overall. I walked away quite liking this movie.

Most of the complaints are around technical/realism stupidities, or else being a rip-off of previous movies.

Re stupidities: there are plenty, most of the negative reviews are correct, but they miss the point, which is given a more or less silly premise, do the characters fulfill their struggle properly.

For me the answer is strong yes, I tend to respond to the emotions a movie is trying to convey, ultimately this is a story of loss and love, a nice universal theme that always resonates.

Given that theme, the movie's style, effects, music all worked really well to reinforce that. I liked all the performances.

Be careful about critiquing modern SF movies about technical stupidities too much. Most of these have a fatal flaw that would destroy most of them. How about the likelihood of star travel? OK, you have to grant that otherwise most SF movies pretty much fall flat.

But still, the basic premise is not realistic: a star faring race, searching for energy, is not going to bother going to earth for its water, that is so much more easily available anywhere else, energy itself is much more easily accessible without playing with water for fusion, just stay with your own star, mine your own asteroid belt or gas giants.

Sure, it makes no sense for the Tet to make and use human clones, but given that, do we have a good story? I think so.

To me, valid criticisms are when characters, immersed in their realities such as they are, do not act true to their nature. And thus a movie like Prometheus failed since there the highly trained biology experts acted like complete morons.

But that is not the case here. In this movie we have passion, loss, and love, the struggle to persevere.

Plus the drones looked really really cool.

Re copying other movies: get over it. This movie is distinct enough to feel its own. I saw and loved Moon (which granted is the better movie), but I enjoyed this one for what it was.

I think it helped for me to not see any trailers, and to come in with low expectations after hearing about bad reviews.
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A memorable sci-fi fantasy world with a human heart at its core.
mwburrows11 April 2013
If there is a soul, it is made from the love we share.

There are many ways to describe Oblivion, but the softly spoken afterword by Tom Cruise's character really makes you feel the human heartbeat of this sci-fi epic.

As always, the trailer is full of explosions and set pieces. Oblivion the movie is an entirely different beast that values a human story and characters that are driven by common purpose. While the cast is tiny, I found much to enjoy from Cruise, Riseborough, Freeman and that Nordic guy from Headhunters who is showing up more frequently in Hollywood blockbusters. Aside from unusually limited screen-time, Morgan and other supporting cast are effective and memorable.

The threads of the plot are well-woven and I won't give anything away, so what I will tell you is to prepare for a powerful journey into the unknown where nothing is what it seems. Explosive set pieces take a backseat for sci-fi philosophy with twists to spare.

Oblivion ticks all the boxes for correct use of literary devices and establishes enough original cannon to stick in your mind long after the credits start rolling. It is a distinct success among the largely abysmal offerings of 2013 so far, don't miss it.
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much better than expected !
ksf-25 November 2022
The trivia tells us that this is based on a comic book that director joseph kosinski wrote in 2005 but was never published. The story takes place in 2077, just after the "memory wipe" that jack (cruise) describes for us. And the invasion by space travelers, which destroyed most of the cities and made living on the surface mostly impossible. Some great special effets. The control panels, the copter, even the wrecked surface of the planet. Jack is tasked with protecting the structures that support the floating living quarters for the remaining population. I LOVE the mini moto that jack rides around on... kind of like a george jetson briefcase that folds and unfolds. Google it. Some beautiful scenery of iceland, and various film locs in the united states. When another human from the past crash lands, we're not sure what her mission is, or who's side she is on. Some really good suspense, while we wait for answers. Especially when morgan freeman is involved. Really good sci-fi stuff!
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Entertaining, but in no way a masterpiece.
brun_v10 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Coming out of the theatres following my viewing of this film, I was confused. I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not.

The ending was rushed, clichéd and quite cheesy, that I was sure about. But I had enjoyed the film, more or less. The visuals are stunning. The cinematography was truly impressive and I think it is these Prometheus-esque visuals (in terms of quality) that successfully manage to distract you from what is actually quite an appalling film.

The storyline is shallow and the large majority of characters undeveloped (I honestly don't see much point in Morgan Freeman's character). Even after the real human faction is revealed and a group of drones rampage around massacring everyone, you just don't feel anywhere near the amount of sympathy as you should do.

When the super villain is finally revealed, anyone who has seen 2001: A Space Odyssey will have immediately recognised a blown up version of Hal. The (fairly predictable) clone twist is reminiscent of Moon although it is accepted by the characters after only a couple of seconds of conflict.

The first twenty minutes however, were very good (minus the lightning scene). The setting of the post apocalyptic time frame was laid out beautifully with a collection of scenes which almost reminded me of a futuristic version of I Am Legend.

Yes underneath the film is a very generic amalgamation of various sci-fis that came before and it is definitely not a masterpiece in itself, but to the open minded viewer it provides more than enough to give you an easy two hours of mild entertainment and pretty landscapes.

(Does anyone else question Tom Cruise's morals in stranding his wife alone in a valley for three years, thus forcing her to give birth by herself? Oh yeah and when did that happen? Hours after she was shot? Wait how did she recover?)
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You are part of the problem.
Mequias24 July 2023
Primarily a tale of disinformation, "Oblivion" tackles myriad issues that are relevant to our time: Do you know who you are? Who do you trust to inform you? What is true intimacy? And will Artificial Intelligence rule over mankind? To be frank, the true great villain in "Oblivion" is the human race itself: We are enslaving our own people, destroying our own planet and exterminating each other. But, to be even more precise, the true villains are the people in wealth and power (as portrayed here by sentient artificial intelligence). The millionaires and politicians are the ones who pay to keep us in the dark and on our hamster wheels, feeding them resources at the cost of all life on the surface of the Earth. In our reality, just like in the movie, mankind is engaged in repetitive tasks, staying alive and oblivious to its truth; living in superficial relationships with no real love and allowing the planet to be consumed. As such, you and I ARE the protagonist in this movie: A puppet on strings, fighting against itself and serving an evil, selfish and vampiric power that is corrupting the planet. We are living in the clouds and need to touch grass.

To get the plastic point across, Director Joseph Kosinski employs wonderful vistas of our planet. The photography and prop design in this movie is truly something special (thank you, Claudio Miranda). The color palette also gets the plot across by driving in the difference between conscious and unconscious, earthly and artificial thru black, brown and green versus cream and grey. Thru an exaggerated script, (one which can be frustrating, especially during the first minutes of the film), we see that the ideal life our repairman leads is both luxurious and supposedly meaningful... but something is afoot; it doesn't feel natural! Our protagonist has been fed false information, the same way we are told whatever suits the agenda of today's media outlets. We notice in the movie that those who cannot accept the truth, refuse to engage with the planet; they live in the sky and are not "down to Earth". These people exist in real life, and can usually be found in wealthy circles who are far removed from any struggle, conflict or life difficulty. Because of this, they perceive others as inhuman or below them, when the truth is the exact opposite.

In conclusion, whether it was Joseph Kosinski's intention or not, "Oblivion" asks you to wake up and realize: You are overseeing the destruction of your human soul and are participating in the looting of planet Earth. But what do you do now? The film offers no other solution to this issue of the machine, other than to join a Jihad and bomb the system to kingdom come. As such, "Oblivion" may strike some users into consideration, but mostly passes off as a good time and is quickly forgotten in a sea of other consumables.
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Oblivion - A look back.
amountainclimber7 November 2022
Oblivion is nine years old as I write this, and in perusing the reviews written when it opened, they have aged far less well than the movie.

Those reviews are mostly concerned about whatever the hell Tom Cruise was going through at the time, or obsessed with obscure symbolism in the production design.

For whatever reason, it appears the reviewers couldn't get over themselves enough to just watch the movie and evaluate it on its merits.

On the off chance this film has escaped your attention, it is well worth two hours of your time. It is solidly acted and produced, has first class effects, and a spectacular location. The story combines some emotional heft with a clever and satisfying twist at the end.

I watched it again, but this time with my SciFi hating wife. She protested initially, watched the entire thing, and then thanked me for getting her to watch it afterwards.

That's as good as it gets.
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Amazing visuals, OK film
Imdbidia28 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love Tom Cruise in action + science fiction movies. He is one of the few actors who seem to believe those futuristic roles and is usually great in this sort of films. That being the case, I was looking forward to watching this film.

From the production and design point of view, this is a fantastic film, spectacular scenery and camera takes, very sleek futuristic design and a great atmosphere. Unlike your usual galactic out space story, this is not dark or cold, but very light, airy, bright and beautiful.

The story starts very promisingly, but soon deflates because the script starts to wander unnecessarily and is not organically presented to viewers, who will feel in a constant state of What the Heck? Once the action starts. The plot, albeit intriguing and original, is not well developed for the big screen, and it is not clear enough, does not have a good tempo, it does not build up properly for the ending, and the editing contributes to the narrative confusion, when, in fact, the script is not that complex.

Personally, I think Andrea Riseborough is the best of the bunch in this film; she carries most of the intrigue, drama and confusion of the story with her acting. Cruise is good in his role, although not as convincing an brilliant as in the film he would shot the following year, Edge of Tomorrow. Olga Kurylenko is really sweet as Julia, and Morgan Freeman OK as the scavenger Bleech.

This is an enjoyable film with amazing visuals and, a priori, intriguing and original script, but the story is poorly told, the dialogues not especially inspired and the acting just all right. It could have been super-duper, but it is not because amazing visuals rarely make an amazing movie by themselves.
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Don't know why this movie didn't make it
ronhardcastle19 August 2013
I have now watched this movie 3 times, and each time have liked it more than I did the first time, and even then I still enjoyed it a lot. I look at the litany of trash on the screen that DOES make a profit and am dismayed that this one was so unsuccessful. First, it's a GORGEOUS movie, and it definitely has a beating heart. I found the acting quite good, the story involving, and was quite moved more than once. And the technical staff was amazing! I suspect that it will do well on home video and cable and that one day we'll look back on it and wonder why in the world it did so poorly in its initial run. I applaud director Kosinsky and his fine team of actors and the legion of other professionals involved in bringing this to the screen. I REALLY enjoyed this movie!

31Jan14: Months later and I've watched it at least once more from my Blu-ray plus find it almost impossible to NOT watch it when I stumble across it on HBO, and I continue to find it absorbing and I STILL can't watch the end of it without crying! I find it embarrassing to write this, but I think I love this movie.
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Are you an effective team?
bosporan8 May 2022
A provocative story kernel in its own right, yet it pulls fragments from too many genre greats making it a clichéd mosaic pastiche of a post apocalyptic world where everything is not as it seems.

The opening third is intriguing and well played with a strong three-way dynamic between Jack, Victoria and their mysterious video-comm handler; it piques interest and poses many questions. Jack's questioning nature and feeling that something is 'off' contrasts with the 'happy clappy', following orders vibe from Victoria.

This dynamic is enhanced with the addition of a fourth character Julia, who is already in Jack's dreams - a fabulous performance from Olga Kurylenko. From there though, the movie loses its charm and becomes completely generic.

Fabulous cinematography uses distinct color palettes to denote time and location, admirably supported by excellent effects. The soundtrack is also strong with carefully selected music.

Overall this is a good watch, but flatters to deceive. With more self-confident writing this could have become a classic.
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"I am Jack Harper and I am Home"
A_Different_Drummer27 October 2016
For decades it has been an accepted fact of life in Hollywood that, no matter how good the movie, endings are a write-off.

Hollywood has learned the hard way that, no matter how good the film (or the book on which it is based) it is impossible to do an ending which satisfies the writer, the director, the producers, the critics, the audience and (duh!) reviewers like this one.

That is why, for literally as long as there have been movies, endings are changed at the last minute; and often even multiple endings are shot so that survey groups can be brought in to make the final choice.

The reason I gave this brief lecture on the importance of endings is simple -- going into the last 20 minutes, this was a rock solid film with a rock solid script and rock solid performances.

But the ending was ... perfect.

And perfect endings are so rare these days that I needed to write a review for posterity that does nothing except note this for future readers and future viewers.

Are we still an effective team???????????
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It's still worth your time.
Sleepin_Dragon28 August 2024
The Earth has been ravaged after a war with aliens, Jack Harper, one of the last remaining engineers continues on his mission, guided by his controller Victoria. Jack begins dreaming of a beautiful woman, and starts questioning who he is.

I first saw this back in 2013, and this afternoon sat and watched it for the first time since, I wasn't crazy about it originally, but perhaps my taste has changed, maybe the likes of Dune and several others have changed the game.

Originally I found the plot a bit muddled, no issues this time, it's an enjoyable storyline. The film is well paced, builds nicely, and has a rather good ending.

Some great design work, the bike and ship look amazing, as does that awesome swimming pool, cracking costumes too.

It's a good, solid sci fi movie, it has plenty of action, looks amazing, and features a quality performance from leading man, Tom Cruise.

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A Hopeless Plot
Beno-1713 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying that the visuals in the movie are great, acting is reasonable, and although the general story is slow, it has a lot of potential. That is where the positivity ends. For me, the abundance of plot holes / inconsistencies completely ruined the film. Whilst some of these might seem like nitpicking, when you add them together it really detracts from what could have been a great movie. I was asking questions like;

  • The machines seem to have amazing technology, except being able to keep consistent radio transmission.

  • How did Jack and Victoria figure that their control centre / home was built with no humans? If by the machines, then surely the machines are capable of handling drone maintenance themselves, making their roles totally redundant?

  • Why does the machine mother ship's communication go offline constantly?

  • Why are the machines always short on drones?

  • Jack has an obvious disposition toward protecting humans, yet the other humans constantly wear armor that make them seem non-human? There is ample opportunity to approach Jack whilst he makes repairs or is on his own.

  • Despite Jack / Victoria's control center / home being somewhere in the stratosphere, it seems to have swimming temperature and calm wind conditions.

  • Why does Victoria's character have her head completely in the sand, whilst Jack appears to be quite free-thinking?

  • Why are the drone cameras not visible to the machine control? This would have exposed significant intelligence about the humans numerous times. It is standard even with drone technology today.

  • How can the flight log still hear what the NASA flight crew are saying whilst they fly into the white light? If it was in the crashed ship then it must have been disconnected with the sleeping passengers (this is a clear error)?

  • The machine mothership didn't consider that maybe Jack was smuggling something into the ship? Especially after it was clear he knew that they were not human?

  • Broken drones are easily repaired with chewing gum.

  • How did Jack build an entire home on the lake with no obvious access to building equipment or resources?

  • The machines could scan Jack's ship upon entry (presumably by some sort of infrared) and see that there was another passenger, but were not able to distinguish a male from a female? Despite them at times being able to match Jack's DNA on visual recognition?

  • In 2017 suspended animation seems to have been perfected?

  • Why were Jack and Victoria due to go back to Triton in two weeks?

  • The aliens seem to have not nailed memory wiping technology at all.

I could go on and on, but this is just the tip of an iceberg for a truly ridiculous plot.
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Visually amazing, very enjoyable.
tr9128 August 2013
'Oblivion' was a film that kept me gripped from the 1st minute. The set is just visually amazing, everything about it is stunning. The way the Earth looks, the vehicles, the bubble ship (where Jack lives) all just looked brilliant. The special effects were amazing too. I really am struggling for words to describe just how good it did look.

The cast all done a great job, Tom Cruise was pretty much perfect in the lead role and then there was Morgan Freeman, who I wish could have had more screen time. Then there was two lesser known actresses, Andrea Riseborough and Olga Kurylenko who both gave very good and believable performances.

I thought the plot was good and as I said before, it got your attention right from the start. The action scenes were breathtaking and extremely fast paced when they happened. Some have said that they felt the film was too long, I personally felt it was the right length because it enabled the characters to develop. It was a little bit predictable at times and did get a bit confusing when there was a twist, although it all made more sense in the end.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable film that is just simply stunning on the eye.

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Vondaz10 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Yes it is a bit of a turkey.

Great scenery and effects and of course Tom. But it's just Total Recall meets Mad Max meets Waterworld meets Independence Day (and I am sure there are other "meets" that can be found - heck I might even have found a reference to The English Patient at one point too).

Olga Kurylenko is painfully short as an actress of any quality, so is just there for looks. The only actresses of any quality are Andrea Riseborough and Melissa Leo, neither of which given enough to show off their talents further.

The pace of the film starts out very engaging, with the customary slow parts in between, to ensure it's not too relentless, but then it gets even slower further into the movie and I was starting to get fidgety.

The actual reveal is not really that revealing - you didn't go "oh I seeeeeeee", you just went "Oh right OK". So a lot of build up to nothing really.

And of course it is cliché ridden - just once if a child falls in mass stampede, could the heroine just keep running? And why is it sleeping together once is always absolutely certain to result in a baby? All in all, not sure why Tom signed up for it. Joseph Kosinski (Director) hasn't exactly got a good track record and this matches it.
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Among The Gorgeous Exteriors
billygoat107110 April 2013
Oblivion feels like a homage to the old science fiction films where it explores around its world, shows off its landscapes, soar all the ships that used to be made out of cardboard, and let the characters scrutinize until the plot finds the actual conflict. The film features plenty of amazing concepts and spectacular visuals that could be intriguing. There seems to be a theme at the first half but all the questionable twists made the plot convoluted. It's disappointing when it hits to that point. It still can be entertaining and the technical work is indeed a splendor. There's plenty of potential around but there is still something missing in the end.

The film reminiscence a lot of popular sci-fi films. It has the exteriors of Planet of the Apes and a plot that runs and remind you of Alien, Total Recall, and I Am Legend(I don't want to spoil the next film that resembles). The first act is totally gripping by introducing its high concept. When it proceeds to the actual story, there is suppose to be even more mindblowing than it was shown. It throws away some intriguing twists, but the film doesn't bother explaining enough what's the point about it. There's also an interesting pathos of Jack missing the old less-broken world at the beginning, but the story easily ignores it. Many would think it doesn't matter, but that might possibly bring some soul to the picture. It's centrally about finding the protagonist's identity. The romance is ought to be important for his journey but this relationship wasn't develop much, leading as a typical love subplot. The performances are just typical for the actors. Tom Cruise plays his usual hero roles. It's fine for the film's character though. Morgan Freeman once again serving up details of the plot. The only thing what's different is he wears a costume that looks pretty good to him.

Despite of the underwhelming storytelling, we still get to see some rich futuristic details. The film has its own style and creates a marvelous world. Other than the whimsically designed rubble of the destroyed earth, all the weapons, ships, and costumes are quite snazzy to appeal for those who seek for eye catching stuff. If there's one thing Joseph Kosinski has improved then that would be the suspense. Tron: Legacy actually had none of them, this one knows the aesthetics of a sci-fi horror thriller. Those thrills are just limited, though. He's still in his comfort zone by only caring for the pretty visuals and the techno soundtrack.

Oblivion is almost better than it was expected. It would have been as good as it looks like if only it was eager to put more explanation about the intrigue, and soul to the story. It leaves the audience thought provoked. The bright side is it's not one of those generically loud modern sci-fi films. It's one of those basic, yet classic style of science fiction. It's a great thing especially for this era of blockbusters. Everything in the film looks stunning and breathtaking. It's terribly entertaining as well if we don't mind those flaws. Again, the film offered something remarkable but fails to execute because of its pretension. We get it, the visuals and the soundtrack are the best part of the film, but I think it deserves better than those. Honestly, Oblivion can be a classic if it adds something smarter and much meaningful. For now, all the beautiful landscapes that were featured will be the only thing that would spellbind the audience throughout.
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Boring and derivative
michaelrene11 April 2013
A movie with the same twist as one recent sci fi flick (but who doesn't use it as well as the other film did) and the same ending as an older sci fi flick (again, not used to the same advantage) should laugh at itself. Instead Oblivion wallows in outdated heroism and 'gag me with a spoon' dialogue that reeks of someone who really thinks he is writing a classic, and so will be forgiven for making the actors utter the immortal words "dream of us" in order to be romantic.

Wonderful visuals wasted on a boring story with no point. Tom Cruise is fine, so is the rest of the cast, though the waste of Morgan Freemans skills and character annoy me.

Kosinski should stay away from science fiction until he has something to say, and then he should get someone else to write the script.
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If you like Sci Fi, you'll love this!
Glyn-52-91024214 July 2014
I hadn't really heard of Oblivion before I watched it, but I'm a big fan of Tom Cruise and his films, as he is such an excellent actor. Right from the start, the film doesn't disappoint. It has a real depth that a lot of action/Sci Fi films don't have. A beautiful ambient soundtrack is matched perfectly to the pace of the film and in it's own right is a work of excellence that I now listen to on my iPod.

The characters are believable, and as expected, Tom Cruise plays his character really well. Morgan Freeman also plays an excellent role here, and I feel was perfectly cast for his role.

The special effects are very good. The creators went to great efforts with many of the sets and props, constructing full size ships, and massive screens to project backgrounds, rather than just use blue screen and CGI, which I feel responsible for ruining many modern films. (The Star Wars prequels comes to mind!) Where CGI is used, it's not over the top, and blends well with the live action and real sets. The tower set is a work of pure beauty, and helps add to the bright and wide open feel of the film, if that makes sense.

As I said previously, the soundtrack is fantastic, and allows me to watch the film over and over without getting bored of it. The sound effects are excellent as well. Specifically the drones make excellent noises at various stages of the film.

The overall plot is very good. It has a good amount of twists, and real depth. It is all played out at a pace that seems to adapt perfectly to the story. Action sequences are fast, and deeper, more emotional sequences get the slower pace they deserve.

It's funny, but it's one of those films that maybe didn't win any awards and maybe didn't break box office records.. but I find myself watching it again and again as it's just so watchable and enjoyable. There very few films I own that I can watch, go back to the beginning, and watch again right away. Black Hawk Down is one of them, and now so is Oblivion. In fact I only watched it last week, but after writing this review, I'm tempted to watch it again tonight.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, and continue to do so!
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A unique sci-fi flick that subverts expectations
ismamuzzaman15 July 2022
An engrossing film, with a well-developed post-apocalyptic premise, along with an unpredictable plot, visually stunning cinematography, paired with thrilling action sequences and great performances, although the plot got a bit convoluted at times and there were some plot holes.
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A unexpectedly really good movie.
kieran4498 March 2014
Without revealing any spoilers, I saw this movie "out of the blue". Never saw a trailer (I still haven't). I remember hearing the name of the movie and completely forgot about it, and just decided to take a chance and watch it on cable TV one night. It is a Sci-Fi movie with a human heart, so you don't need to be a science fiction fan to enjoy it. Also, I am not a Tom Cruise addict, but he does a great job in his usual way. In fact, all the actors portray their characters very well.

There is mystery, action, a little bit of love, and some adventure. The beginning is good, there is a high point, and the ending of the movie is satisfactory in my opinion. The special effects are executed in a way not to take away from the story or the plot, and the story does not revolve around them, but rather they are just a part of the story. If you are looking for a good movie to watch, I have to say it is well worth the viewing, not too predictable. Sit back and relax, you'll enjoy this gem.
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Oblivion reaches for the stars – and almost makes it
jamieradford9 August 2013
Based on an unpublished graphic novel written by director Joseph Kosinski, Oblivion is set in the year 2077, on an Earth rendered mostly uninhabitable due to sixty years of war with alien invaders known as 'Scavs'.

Most of humankind has migrated to Titan, Jack Harper (Tom Cruise) and his partner Victoria (Andrea Riseborough), are stationed on Earth to maintain drones that service gigantic power reactors which supply energy for the new colony. From station Tech 49, Jack flies down to the surface to locate and repair the drones, while Victoria monitors him from the station, hundreds of feet above the surface of the planet.

Due to security protocols, Jack and Victoria's memories have been wiped, and their only human contact, albeit by radio, is with Sally (Melissa Leo), who is based on the orbiting space station the 'Tet'. Although Jack's memory has been wiped, he continually dreams of a young woman in a New York untouched by war.

When a drone goes missing, Jack descends to the surface to locate it, but what he finds makes him question everything he believes in.

Oblivion is visually stunning. Cinematographer Claudio Miranda - who won last years' Oscar, and also worked with director Joseph Kosinski on 'Tron Legacy' – has done an amazing job in his first sci-fi movie.

The script, written by Karl Gajdusek and Michael Arndt is solid, also attempting to be as accurate as possible concerning the science involved within the story. An important element for many sci-fi fans.

Tom Cruise does a fine job as Jack. No matter what you may think of Cruise personally, he is a fine actor, and one of the few that can easily make the transition between drama and action and pull it off successfully. Or, as in the case of Oblivion do both.

He is ably supported by the rest of the cast which besides Riseborough and Leo also includes Olga Kurylenko as Julia, and Morgan Freeman as Beech.

Joseph Kosinski has done a fine job of bringing his graphic novel to the big screen. Although the film is a sci-fi flick, there is enough drama and twists in the plot to appeal to a broader audience.

Oblivion may not be the best sci-fi movie ever made, but it holds its own compared to many in this genre, and is a highly entertaining couple of hours. 7.5/10
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As entertainment, brilliant....
portsea13 April 2013
I went to see this having read a few reviews, I also heard a review from a friend that Richard Wilkins on Australian critic had said it wasn't that good.

Well, I have no idea what film they saw, but it wasn't the one I saw. The start was a little slow, but still threw in some moments of concern to keep one on the edge. As the film settled on, it kept moving at a good pace. Story was a basic love story, mixed in with morality, but basically, love story.

Cgi was amazing, cinematography was brilliant, stunning even. All the main characters were easy on the eye too, always making it easier to want to watch.

Plot wasn't sophisticated, probably described as feel good, but frankly, it was perfect. I left a 2 hour film and wasn't bored for a second.

Cruise, for all the press on him and his supposed kookiness, I don't care, he carried the film.....

GO SEE THIS, pure entertainment.
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Great movie, not all potential filled
sivan07028 August 2013
While Tom Cruise's acting in the film was good, I think Jack should have been portrayed by a new face to eliminate that recognition of Jack as Tom Cruise and to allow the viewers to perceive him as an unknown person now referred to as "Jack". The overall acting in the film was very well done. Morgan Freeman was excellent and somehow didn't interfere with meeting his new character.

The Post-apocalyptic scenery is jaw dropping and really gives the sense of exploration and adventure while watching. The drones were perfect in their visual appearance and sound design, with each drone noise your heart skips a beat and they project intenseness and power, as were the towers and power stations, the visual and graphic work is truly something to admire.

The story contains great thinking and ideas that can be developed and explored creatively to produce a true masterpiece of the mind and since the writer is the director, he would have projected this creativeness on screen. But I can't get rid of that feeling that Oblivion is a work in progress and not a completed story ready to be put into the world of visual story telling. It just lacks some of the depth and detail that could be included in it, or perhaps is only in the graphic novel. It felt very short.
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A truly stunning visual experience, but do not judge it by its cover
karl-drejing24 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Before I begin my first review I will say that there will be spoilers.

I really wanted to like this movie. But the screenwriters had a brain slip thinking that stunning visuals (much better than average CGI), some nice music and reliable actors "Mr.Sci" Tom Cruise and "Mr.Awesome" Morgan Freeman could carry this movie. The 4 shining stars the movie get is from the above alone. The remaining 6 collapsed stars are just bad decisions...

I will ignore the fact that the first 20 minutes of the film contain the teachings of a certain Hubbard; IRL I would rant about this but not here.

Instead I make the case that this movie is Moon, with sprinkles of a love story and some action. I will go as far as saying that this is a blatant and plain bad Moon remake. Some guys are, unbeknownst to them, working for an adversary (insert bad corp from Moon), there are lots of them (Moon), they are promised to go to a better place (insert end of work shift from Moon). But they are a bit different, and discover the true nature of the beast (Moon), and...

But why they are even there to begin with is awfully bizarre. Maintenance crew? Really? Is it that smart of the very intelligent entity to keep humans as such? I refuse to believe that it need some external beings to maintain it.

Then again, it is not that intelligent. It seem to suffer from conditional strokes. The very advanced pattern recognition it exercise just vanishes sometimes. Perhaps it needed a repairman(?). My favorite part is when in a total of 15 seconds of screen time, it confess its stupidity: "I detect that you breathe heavily, your heart rate is rising, voice analysis show you're lying, there are 2 of you, and" *bzz* "Oh, I could at least have installed minor means to detect radioactive material. In the war you kinda used nukes on us. But then again, we really need to end this flick".

Simply not buying it Hollywood. More brain next time and the stars will shine anew.
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Oblivion To Remember
MT-1508715 April 2013
For something, which obviously belongs in the department of mainstream entertainment, this movie is actually quite dense with meaning and even possesses some real drama. Though it begins as just another superficial sci-fi flick, soon enough a series of twists, which are there not to simply add to your amusement but to tell a story that is meant to convey some significant message, transforms the initially ordinary plot completely. And also, if not fully justifies, but at least thoroughly explains apparently perfunctory performances.

The rest is up to you to see and understand - the movie is, in fact, pretty rich in metaphor. And despite its post-apocalyptic futuristic setting it's not an escapist fairy-tale. It's about us today. It's about people who've accepted the mode of existence when you do "not ask too many questions". When you simply "do not want to know". When your "job is to not remember". And you choose, as one prominent character from another, even more poignant, sci-fi feature put it, "living your lives oblivious". But it can be termed differently - you choose sleepwalking into an abyss. So to really appreciate this movie do not expect just a piece of pop-corn entertainment.

Unfortunately, the movie has some totally unnecessary supplement at the very end that seriously diminishes the dramatic effect and dents the way in which it expresses its overall message. But if you get out of the theater right after the first phrases of the main character's afterword you'll indeed have enough to think and feel about long after. The questions this movie poses are serious: do we live to forget, to refuse to know or to look for the truth? And when we ourselves are on the brink of becoming just a memory - do we want to make it fighting or crawling?
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