I've seen one very similar to this before, but this isn't a bad version of the story.
It has a bit of 'White Christmas' (1954) about it, but it is also a bit too cutesy and twee.
Mr Bleu definitely comes across better than Ms Coleman does and I'm not sure that they are well met as a couple.
I also find it hard to believe that he taught a load of people to move like that in just a few days, it's all a tad too professional. What I could appreciate was the LGBTQ+ inclusion, which was nice and not made a fuss of.
The dancing was very good actually. Perhaps they should have made it in to a musical instead. With the huge revival of musical films it could have been quite successful and they had the right cast with Corbin and Monique both previously featuring in all three of the 'High School Musical' films.
It would be nice to see a version of this type of film, where they genuinely have time to save the property and don't just rush around 3 days before Christmas, it would certainly make it a bit more realistic, but overall it is enjoyable. I would love to see them really ramp up the joy and give these films a bit more thought however. Send out 5 good ones each year instead of churning out 30 so-so rehashes of what we saw the year before. Pay for some new writers and directors and give them a proper budget to achieve something that is a must see each Christmas.