A fair question to ask the audience, do we need a movie like this in 2021? I mean, what's the point? The production value of your in studio phonographic movie has equal if not better value than this movie. The same is for the quality of the acting in an adult movie (porn) and this Russian un-masterpiece. At least with a porno, you get more nudity and see more. Sovri men pravdu is an empty attempt to be taken seriously. Instead, it falls short to anything erotic, thrilling or taboo. The terrible direction and blind editing takes away from the overall quality of storytelling. Many of the scenes feel backwards and nothing less than a headache. You get better plots in an X rated movie. There is some nice eye candy throughout this movie. However, for 2021, you need more than just some pretty faces and bodies. A story, realistic plot, quality driven acting and a moral worth watching for. Instead, this movie makes you wish you watched pornography instead.