Parchawein 2021
"Parchawein" is a Punjabi short film directed by filmmaker Amanmeet Singh and produced by Harmandeep Singh Sahota. The plot centers around a protagonist who is involved in a revolutionary mo... Read all"Parchawein" is a Punjabi short film directed by filmmaker Amanmeet Singh and produced by Harmandeep Singh Sahota. The plot centers around a protagonist who is involved in a revolutionary movement. Despite his commitment to the cause, his deep love and affection for his family le... Read all"Parchawein" is a Punjabi short film directed by filmmaker Amanmeet Singh and produced by Harmandeep Singh Sahota. The plot centers around a protagonist who is involved in a revolutionary movement. Despite his commitment to the cause, his deep love and affection for his family lead him to betray his comrades, resulting in the deaths of some of his fellow revolutionari... Read all