445 of 776 found this severe
Girls shower, showing their breasts and buttocks but everything else is covered by soap. Also, there's a scene where a pregnant lady rips her clothes off for a nude photoshoot.
A character portrays a model (in an advertisement for his family business) walking down the street naked before putting on a scarf that magically gives him clothes but nothing is exposed.
Women wear extremely revealing outfits.
Some sexual innuendos. One character is shown having ejaculate on clothing.
Cockroaches are shown having graphic sex as if human.
344 of 455 found this severe
Violence, blood, and murder is frequent.
There's a scene where Fred gets shot on both knees. Moderate but blood is shown.
A character gets his leg sliced off and lots of blood is shown when he applauds. Really bloody.
Velma's mom's eye falls out of her socket, two corpses are shown with their brains removed, a character's leg is cut off, Fred is shot, and other gory images are included. Although, most of the times are intended as comical and heightened.
Blood is frequent and dead bodies are shown. Not too gory, but graphic.
Velma antagonizes a cop who runs her over, and her tooth falls out.
Violence is often played for laughs, but it may be more intense than viewers might expect given the comic tone.
There's violence and blood throughout the series, but it's all animated.
327 of 444 found this severe
Cursing includes "bitch", ''shit'', "hell" and "ass" are used. Vulgar language includes "sucks" and "puss" (i.e. A coward). Characters use insulting language to refer to each other: "loser," "basic bitch," "slut" (as a racial slur).
Like the rating TV-MA TV shows/R movies, there is a lot of strong language like the F-word ("Fuck") and S-word ("Shit") along with other mild-moderate.
295 of 457 found this severe
Drugs are mentioned.
There is a scene where a computer shows a website about drugs.
A man accidentally smokes crack cocaine.
352 of 515 found this severe
Much of the dialogue can be Severely frightening and disturbing, even for Scooby-Doo fans.
If this was a movie, it would be rated R for strong bloody violence and gore, language throughout, sexual content and drug use.
One of the most inappropriate Warner Bros. Animation and adult animation shows ever made. Especially when there is negative stereotypes.