Set in a middle class 60's setting which is beautifully done, 2 families who are dear friends both experience unforeseen trauma in their lives which leads to a catastrophic end.
I'm not a grand fan of Hathaway who plays Celine, but this pairing with Chastain who plays Alice is cinematic gold. The story follows the pair through trauma and heartbreak with an ultimate end of a perfect pairing.
The film at first is slow and kind of reminds you of the old slow starting films of the 60's. But it's done so nicely that it's not onerous to follow the story being set. Slowly but surely events unfold and you realise something is happening but you're not sure what.
Eventually 1 mystery is solved but it only opens up another mystery, and then another, and then another.
I'd not say it kept me on the edge of my seat, but it certainly held my attention with ease. I particularly loved the way it made me feel deep sympathy with both star characters, knowing that 1 or perhaps both of them was the 'bad guy'. Then again, perhaps neither of them were and they were being manipulated by someone else...
Pitting them against one another was a great move and kept me guessing until the end.
The sets and wardrobe and even the traits of people were absolutely on point for the 60's, and I loved how there was no extraneous noise affecting the main script. No police interviews, no secondary characters poking their noses in, and no grand arguments with threats and shouting. It was all very muted and yet was foreboding in it's quiet, like a great Hitchcock movie, but obviously not near as good.
All in all a great story and a great film with great actors and I give it a solid 7.