17 of 28 found this to have none
There is no scene of sex or nudity
In the second series, women hold down another woman and forcibly remove her pants so they can steal the drugs she has hidden inside herself. No nudity shown.
In season2 a woman showed full nude from the back after taking a shower.
Some posters of women in lingerie. Mostly fleeting.
7 of 15 found this moderate
Constant violence including self harm
Some really disturbing scenes involving suicide attempts and self harm.
Mark gets into a fight with a man and bites a piece of his ear off.
A man has napalm thrown onto his face.
6 of 13 found this moderate
A few uses of "fuck" and "shit" respectively.
10 of 12 found this moderate
A man is arrested for drink driving.
Characters take drugs in prison such as hash and heroin. Drug dealing is a big part of the premise too.
10 of 16 found this moderate
This series is extremely dark, dramatic and bleak.
Some of the scenes certain viewers may find distressing and difficult to watch. The show can get pretty intense.