I found the soundtrack the most annoying aspect of this film - and that's saying much more than you may realize.
I can see everyone involved did their best. While it's all sub-par, the acting wasn't ludicrous, just bad. All the actors were clearly inexperienced.
Some weapon training would have helped the entire cast considerably - More than perhaps a couple hours of safety training. No one looked natural holding a weapon.. no none.
The plot is just drab.. wannabe revenge flick but just full of boring drama with bad accents. The "revenge" aspect doesn't kick in until far, far, far too late making 80% of the film just repetitive and boring.
Production was overall decent. Scenes were lit well and audio levels were generally good without wild variations. But directing was clearly also a novice attempt. Poor scene blocking much of the time - WAY too close or WAY too far drone shots.
The worst part of the film for me was the soundtrack. 10 minutes of banjo repeating.. 10 minutes of piano repeating.. 10 minutes of steel guitar repeating.. then back to the banjo repeating.... etc. And by "repeating" I mean each instrument is like a 2 minute audio clip that clearly cycles over and over. "Hey look.. here's a nice 6 note progression!" then they beat it to death on every instrument thinking it won't be noticed. Rathe rthan changing the music, they just change the instrument playing the music with slight timing variations.
Kudos to those involved, it's a noble attempt, but just not really up to snuff. I've seen much much much worse. But posting that, I'd never sit through this again for any reason. It's unremarkable, uninteresting, and entirely forgettable. It's no wonder it appears to be a free "straight to Tubi" film.