This anime series opens with college student Yuuhi Amamiya discovering a lizard on his bed. If that weren't surprise enough the lizard speaks to him! It tells him that he is one of a select group that have been chosen to be 'Beast Knights'. They are to unite with a magical princess to defeat a mage who intends to destroy the Earth with a colossal mallet, the eponymous biscuit hammer, which only they can see. When he meets the princess she tells him that her reason for wanting to defeat the mage is that she wishes to destroy the world herself!
This may not be one of the great anime series but I still thought it was fairly fun. There is a decent amount of action, some amusing moments and fun characters. At twenty four episodes it is perhaps a little longer than it needs to be but I never got bored with it. The final episode delivered a proper ending so viewers won't be left wondering if another series will be made to wrap things up. Overall a fun series if you enjoy magical battles, some laughs and nothing really unpleasant.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.